Huawei propels the growth of Android on a global scale, Apple counts for one of the 5 smartphones sold in the United States: Kantar


Kantar Worldpanel ComTech's latest quarterly report reveals interesting data on smartphone market share. The report says that although the market share of Android OS has slightly decreased in the five major European markets, it has increased in other global markets like Britain, Italy, Japan. and China. iOS, meanwhile, continues to post the best performance in the United States, with a 5.9% increase in its market share in the second quarter of 2018. The report mainly accrues this rise in iPhone X smartphone sales , iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. one in five smartphone sold in the United States comes from Apple.

The report states that iOS represents a market share of 38.7% in the United States, up 5.9% in the second quarter. This was due to the sales figures of the new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. "The iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus have been the head of Apple sales, accounting for nearly one in five smartphones, while the iPhone X was the fourth the best-selling device over the period. ",

Android achieved the best in China with 80.4 percent market share in the second quarter, up 2 percent from last quarter. Apple, Xiaomi and BBK Group (Oppo and Vivo) continue to dominate the market, accounting for 87% of total sales in China in the second quarter, up from 80% reported a year ago. case, although Android is as successful, the device to success is again the iPhone X in China, accounting for 5.3% of all handsets sold in the country.

As mentioned previously, Android OS has seen its market share increase in Britain, Italy, Japan and China thanks to Huawei's strong sales Dominic Sunn ebo, global director of Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, said: "Huawei has made rapid progress in Europe over the last three years, but performance in Britain has been poor. To counter this, the manufacturer has taken a double-track approach , attacking the low-end segment with its model P Smart budget and the high-end with its P20 Pro well studied The flagship series P20 has had a great impact in Britain, helping to pbad Huawei's share of only 2, 7% a year ago to 13.7 percent over the past three months, and a successful partnership with Argos has helped both parties become major players in the lucrative UK smartphone market. "

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