A Bluetooth security breach could allow hackers to intercept your private data


A new Bluetooth security vulnerability has been discovered that could allow a hacker to intercept your communications and potentially access your private transmission.

The flaw was discovered by researchers at the Israel Institute of Technology, and it would affect devices using Bluetooth components from Apple, Broadcom, Intel and Qualcomm.

Some Android devices are also affected, reports ZDNet.

For more information: Internet Security Guide

The vulnerability allows an attacker to jump while two Bluetooth devices are being paired. In an ideal world, this process involves both devices validating their cryptographic keys for a secure connection.

However, with this flaw, an attacker can use a fake public key to insert his device between the two Bluetooth devices. in what is called a "man-in-the-middle" attack

From there, they can then inject their own messages into Bluetooth communication, in addition to intercepting the messages that are sent.

A difficult attack to shoot

That said, it seems that it is an attack quite difficult to lead. Bluetooth SIG, the organization's changing standard for wireless connectivity, points out that a successful attack relies on overcoming a number of specific challenges in a very small window.

First, the attacker must be present locally. . Secondly, they must intercept the valid public keys exchanged by the two devices, before imitating the transmissions in order to make believe both devices that they have managed to connect.

Despite the difficulty, any vulnerability can prove devastating in the hands of a motivated hacker, so it's rebaduring to see that manufacturers are working quickly to patch their equipment.

Intel recommends that users update the latest version of their firmware, and Dell and Lenovo have already released driver updates. Meanwhile, Bluetooth SIG has updated its specifications to ensure that vendors are closing the loophole that allows this attack.

It seems like it's an example of the security community acting fast to fix a security hole. Security researchers have discovered it, and everyone seems to be on the same length of wave to find a solution.

For consumers, it seems like you do not have to wait long to find a solution. Be sure to keep your drivers and firmware up-to-date to receive a fix when it is available.

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