Israeli magazine launches cartoonist on Prime Minister's image


The Israeli magazine launches a cartoonist on the image of the PM

The Union of Journalists of Israel says that a Jerusalem-based magazine fired a caricaturist for an image making Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud legislators as pig characters of the "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.

The Union of Israeli Journalists said Wednesday that Avi Katz, an independent cartoonist for the Jerusalem report, had been fired after the publication of the cartoon in the magazine's edition this year. week.

The cartoon was intended to criticize the Israeli government's adoption of a controversial law recognizing the Jewish character of the state.

It is captioned by the phrase of Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

Critics say that legislation, which defines Israel as a Jewish state and degrades the status of the Arabic language, marginalizes the country's Arab minority.

The Jerusalem report did not respond to requests for comment.

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