The real threat is the tactics of the SCR – The Stanford Daily


The targeting of young Hamzeh Daoud is emblematic of a continuing pattern of use by Stanford College Republicans (SCRs) of intimidation and fear tactics instead of s & # 39; engage in an intellectual debate. I have the great chance of calling Hamzeh a dear friend and I have been there for two years.

Those who know him recognize his deep pbadion and determination to achieve social justice. His tireless work with Students for Justice in Palestine, the ASSU Senate for Blind Aid to International Students and the Fight Against Islamophobia on campus have earned him recognition by Stanford Politics as the fourth most influential student on our campus.

While Hamzeh and I share many beliefs, we disagree on the question of Israel: I promote a two-state solution as a Zionist. Despite this difference, Hamzeh and I regularly take a coffee or dinner and talk about our clbades, theatrical performances, my work on human rights, and then, yes, we discuss respectfully and intelligently about 39; Israel. It's the intellectual vitality and the environment of stimulating ideas, mutual respect and freedom of expression that Stanford aims to create.

The SCR, seeing Hamzeh's initial post threatening to "physically fight" the Zionists on campus, does not recognize him. as pbadionate hyperbole it was neither contact Hamzeh to debate this idea. Instead, SCR caught up with the post (which Daoud quickly changed to "fight intellectually", acknowledging his own mistake within four hours of the initial post) and waited 24 hours to attack Hamzeh and post the message. non-contextualized image. Facebook

This is the group of students whose leader has promised "to crush the leftist's will to resist". This is the group of students who brought Islamophobic lecturers and academically rejected academics on campus. This is the group of students who plotted with the faculty of the Hoover Center to conduct opposition research on students. This is the group of students whose inaccurate reports led Professor David Palumbo-Liu to receive death threats . If these are manifestations of freedom of speech at the SCR, how do the four hours of Hamzeh hyperbolically refer to violence?

It is clear that the real threat to the Stanford community lies in the tactics of the SCR. While for four hours Hamzeh's Facebook Wall read physical battles, SCR has been engaged in vindictive and harmful targeting of members of the Stanford community for years. They have not changed the name of Hamzeh, instead of portraying him as a violent Muslim Palestinian in the vicious world of the internet. While Hamzeh acknowledged the pain caused by his post, the SCR never apologized to students for exposing them to hate mail, death threats and cyberbullying. The words "physically fighting" an activist and a peaceful member of our community will never cause harm. CRA's actions have emotionally and mentally hurt people of color, activists and women on our campus. The administration should recognize that the biggest threat to students is not a political brawl, but rather cyberbullying.

Beyond the threat that the SCR poses to the Stanford community, its tactics fail to reach the intellectual, respectful, meaningful level and welcome the debate that Stanford adopts and demands in its fundamental norm. They engage in ad hominem attacks, avoiding authentic arguments and speech opportunities

. For a group that claims to value freedom of expression and debate, it is hypocritical and disappointing. As students, we are "supposed to respect and defend the rights and dignity of others" and "defend the integrity of the university as a community of scholars" which requires "intellectual honesty" . the academic accreditation of its speakers, and gas lighting tactics are in violation of our basic standard.

Our campus needs speeches. When the Republicans of Stanford College are ready to debate our ideas – instead of bringing speakers who defy our value according to our religion or gender identity or diminish our arguments as mentalities " – we will be here to listen, debate and demonstrate what freedom of expression and intellectual vitality really mean.

– Hannah Smith & # 39; 20 19659011] [ad_2]
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