Abbas Advisor: Israeli Knesset Members on Temple Mount Are Equal to "Zionist ISIS-Ism"


(July 26, 2018 / JNS) Mahmoud al-Habbash, advisor to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas for religious affairs, told the PA daily Al -Hayat Al-Jadida this month that the presence of Israeli Jewish members of the Knesset in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount "defiles" the Islamic holy places, and in particular the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to a new Palestinian Media Watch report, al-Habbash compared Zionism to the behavior of the terrorist organization ISIS

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He told the paper that by once again allowing MPs to visit the Temple Mount (a ban had been in place for almost three years to prevent violence), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "is delivers to intimidation, arrogance and Zionism. "Isis-ism" against members of our people and its holy places … "

Al-Habbash said that Netanyahu's decision is nothing short of a "war crime". He added that the presence of Jewish Israeli deputies at Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem and Hebron is a "defilement".

The PMW Full Report documents other recent anti-Semitic statements from the AP. officials regarding a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.

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