Netanyahu discusses Druze's needs for protest against nationality law


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting Thursday with government ministers and members of the Knesset about the needs of the Druze community before meeting Friday with Druze leaders following their protest against
the law on nationality.

Prime Minister meets Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, Communications Minister Ayoob Kara and MPs Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beytenu) and Akram Hbadon (Kulanu) at Kirya Headquarters . Aviv, holding what has been described as a cordial and positive discussion.

Despite this, no agreement has been reached on the amendments to the nationality law, according to the Prime Minister's Office. Netanyahu and Minister Yariv Levin, who spearheaded the legislative process, do not think it is right to open the law right now and make changes to it.

  Netanyahu meets with ministers and deputies (Photo: Haim Tzah, GPO)

Netanyahu meets with ministers and deputies (Photo: Haim Tzah, GPO)

Despite PMO statement, MK Hbadon said that the Prime Minister had promised to consider the legal aspects of the amendment of the latter, charging Minister Levin with it.

The Prime Minister will meet Friday with the dignitaries of the Druze community, including the spiritual leader Cheikh Mowafak Tarif.

million. Tariff said that he was happy to accept the invitation of the Prime Minister to meet, provided that the meeting focuses on the amendment of the law on nationality.

"We are not talking about other issues right now, like the budget, we want to know the status of Druze under the nationality law and understand how the definition of status and rights of Druze goes affect this community, and nothing more, "he said.

The Sheikh will address the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency on October 24 in Tel Aviv after accepting the invitation of the new President of the Agency Jewish and outgoing leader of the opposition, Isaac Herzog, as a sign of respect and appreciation for the Druze community. following the protest of the Druze against the law on nationality.

 Sheikh Tarif meets the new leader of the opposition Tzipi Livni (Photo: Ido Erez)

Sheikh Tarif meets the new opposition leader Tzipi Livni (Photo: Ido Erez)

On Sunday, coalition party leaders will discuss the issue with the aim of formulating a plan to help resolve the real issues facing the Druze community of Israel.

In addition, the government will consider promoting legislation that favors Druze who serve or serve in the Israeli army.

At the meeting on Thursday, Netanyahu and other officials discussed the possibility of adding to a law pbaded in May a day in the official national calendar of the state of Israel celebrating the Druze community and their contribution to the country.

Alternatively, the coalition could propose new legislation to establish the status of the Druze community in the state of Israel.

"Netanyahu lies once again to the public, that is his way of working – he supports the protest to bury him," accused Zionist trade unionist Saleh Saed.

"I have ceased to believe in the political tours of the Prime Minister's office, I will continue to protest with all my might against the law on nationality, alongside bereaved families and the entire Druze community "he concluded.

  Druze fighting fighters (Photo: Dan Bronfeld)

Druze fighting fighters (Photo: Dan Bronfeld)

Education Minister Naftali Bennett Wednesday criticized the law that he and the members of his party voted for.

"After conversations with several of our Druze brothers, it seems that the way in which we adopted the law on nationality was detrimental to the Druze community and to those who tie their fate to the Jewish state", Bennett writes in his Twitter account.

"This, of course, is not the intention of the Israeli government: it is our blood brothers who have made a covenant with us, and stand with us, shoulder to shoulder, on the field We have the responsibility to find a way to bridge the gap, "said Bennett


  Brig Gen. (Res.) Imad Fares (Photo: Dudu Azoulay)

Brig Gen. (Res.) Imad Fares (Photo: Dudu Azoulay)

Netanyahu put all his weight behind the law on nationality, which states that the state of Israel is the only one. 39, the nation-state of the Jewish people and that Hebrew is the official language of the state.Arab has been defined as having a special status, the official use of it. Arab to be determined by separate legislation.

According to the previous version of the draft law, adopted at first reading in May, the Arabic language had to benefit from a st. The Special Service and the State services were also to be made accessible in Arabic.

This week, 100 Druze IDF officers on the reserves, many of whom have a rich history of fighting in the various wars of Israel over the years, have joined the fight against the law.

Several Druze reserve officers expressed their anger at being excluded from Israeli society despite the fact that they served and continue to serve the country.

"I do not understand why this law is necessary, does anyone question the fact that the country is Jewish? This law only creates second-clbad citizens", Brig. Gen. (res.) Imad Fares lamented.

One of the main points of friction of the law was Article 7b, which defined the development of Jewish settlements as a national value, and allowed the exclusion of people from these new communities on the basis of race or religion, among other things.

 Brig. Gen. Amal Asad (Photo: Mo'N; in Nesradin)

Brig. Gen. Amal Asad (Photo: Mo'm in Nesradin)

However, after a warning from the Knesset's legal adviser, the article was changed. In its new version, the law states that Israel "considers the development of Jewish settlements as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment."

The first petition to the High Court of Justice against The nationality law was submitted last week by the leaders of the Druze community, followed by three members of the Knesset – including two from the coalition – who also petitioned the High Court on Sunday.

The movement was initiated by MPs Amar (Yisrael Beytenu), Hbadon (Kulanu) and Saed (Union Zionist).

The Druze community petition, presented by a bilateral movement, was formulated by the Druze Jurists 'Forum on behalf of the Knesset members, the Druze Community Leaders' Forum and the Druze community.

 Netanyahu in the draft law on nationality (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Netanyahu in the draft law on nationality (Photo: Amit Shabi)

"For the Druze community , who sacrifices his blood and his sons for the sake of Israel, the law on nationality is a spitting in the face, "said the deputies.

"We joined forces in a bilateral action because it is an extreme government action against the Arabic speakers, which perpetuates discrimination against the Druze community and other minority groups," added Druze deputies.

Even after

during his meeting with Netanyahu, MP Kulanu Hbadon stated that he had no intention of withdrawing his petition to the High Court against the law as long as the status of the Druze community would not be enshrined in the law.

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