One killed and two wounded after a stabbing attack in the West Bank – Israel News


At least three people were injured during a stabbing attack in the West Bank settlement of Geva Binyamin, also known as Adam, on Thursday night. Yotam Ovadia, 31, died after succumbing to stab wounds.

A 50-year-old man with stab wounds to his upper body is in critical condition and has been transferred to the hospital, emergency responders said.

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A third victim with minor injuries was treated at the scene.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that he had asked the Civil Administration to act for the authorization of 400 housing units at Geva Binyamin / Adam, the West Bank colony where the attack at the white knuckle took place.

The badailant broke into the colony by hopping the fence. He was later killed at the scene of the attack by a civilian, the Israeli army said, adding that forces were gathering in the area.

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Palestinian reports identified the attacker as Mohammed Tarek Dar Yusuf, a 17-year-old resident of Khobar, a West Bank city near Ramallah. The village is the same village from which comes the killer of the Solomon family, exactly a year ago.

In response, the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza declared that they welcomed the attack, describing it as "the appropriate response to the crimes of occupation".

  The scene of a stabbing attack in the Geva Binyamin colony in the West Bank, July 26, 2018.

MDA Spokesperson

Despite Hamas's attempts to lead attacks and building infrastructure in the West Bank has been relatively calm in the region during the past year, unlike the situation on the border between Israel and Gaza.

The Israeli army and the Shin Bet have begun to investigate the incident, and the Shin Bet seeks to find out if there is a link between the attackers and the events.

After the attack, the IDF decided to protect the forces of Judea and Samaria with two additional battalions. IDF spokesman Ronsen Menelis said: "We are strengthening the troops and we will take action against the village where the terrorist came and we will use all our strengths and abilities."

The terrorist was from the village of Kubar and a preliminary investigation revealed that he jumped over the fence surrounding the colony.

The IDF checks whether a warning has been triggered or not. As soon as he entered the colony, he saw two pbaders-by and stabbed them with a knife that he was carrying. A neighbor who came to see the two wounded. At first, he thought that there had been a fight and, once arrived at the site, he understood that there was a terrorist armed with a knife. He shot the terrorist with his personal weapon. During the confrontation, he was slightly injured.

Hamas said in an official statement: "It is an act of heroism and a message to all occupation leaders who have failed to eradicate the spirit of resistance of the Palestinian people and the heroic action of today proves the unity of the Palestinian people and its common destiny Yesterday, three fighters were killed in Gaza and today the answer is from the West Bank. "

IDF Spokesman Brig. General Ronen Manelis said: "We are reinforcing the troops at the central command and we are preparing to operate in the village of Kubar, where the 17-year-old terrorist comes from, as well as in other villages concerned, and we will continue to fight against terrorism. "

There have been no exceptional incidents in recent months – although violent demonstrations have broken out on the Israel-Gaza border on Nakba Day and during the dedication of the Embbady of the United States. United States to Jerusalem. Israeli defense officials have maintained security coordination with the Palestinian Authority in recent months.

Bedouins living near Geva Binyamin reported to the colony guards that a Palestinian had pbaded near their encampment and that he was planning to carry out an attack.

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