Gaza fireballs cause fires in college and kibbutz


A fire caused by an incendiary balloon from the Gaza Strip erupted near one of the Sapir College buildings in Sderot on Saturday.

Authorities were working Saturday afternoon to extinguish the fire, which was one of six fires caused by incendiary devices launched since the coastal enclave since the morning.

Firefighters also fought a mbadive fire near nearby Kibbutz Gevim, where an incendiary balloon was found on the site bordering the northern part of Gaza.

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Palestinian media reported that an Israeli plane targeted a group of Gazans who were launching flammable balloons in the southern part of the Strip. On Friday, incendiary fires triggered at least ten fires near communities along the coastal enclave, fire officials said.

The Saturday fire at Sapir was not the first at Sderot College. In early June, a fire on the other side of the street forced the authorities to temporarily close the Highway 232 highway in southern Israel until it reached the end of June. the flames can be controlled.

טרור בלוני התבערה: שריפה רצה לפני זמן קצר במכללת ספיר כתוצאה מבלון תבערה שנפל במקום.
השריפה הראשונה היום.
טרור הבלונים 121 ר 121 ימים. algog boker (@bokeralmog) July 28, 2018

A Palestinian teenager died of his wounds on Saturday after he was apparently shot by Israeli troops. On Friday, during weekly clashes along the Gaza border, the Hamas health ministry said the teenager was the third victim of this week's clashes, with the Gaza Health Ministry declaring a man of 43 years old and 12 years old … The old boy was shot dead Friday along the border.

The IDF said that about 7,000 Palestinians participated in violent riots in several places along the border. Protesters threw stones and burned tires, and attacked troops with bombs, a Molotov badtail and a grenade – who failed to cross the fence and fell into Gaza territory


Shortly after the end of the demonstrations, gunmen opened fire on IDF soldiers near the border, without casualties. In response, the military launched a strike on a nearby Hamas observation post.

Palestinians take part in clashes with Israeli troops along the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip, at the end of the day. East of Gaza on July 27, 2018. (AFP Photo / Mahmud Hams)

According to ministry figures, 157 Palestinians have been killed since the violent demonstrations of the "March of Returns" began in late March. Hamas, the terrorist group that runs Gaza, has admitted that dozens of people have been killed.

On Friday, the Israeli army launched an air strike on a squad of Palestinians in northern Gaza while they were stealing incendiary balloons towards Israel. the army said. Palestinians said that there were no casualties in the attack.

The last few weeks have seen the most serious tensions with Hamas since the 2014 war.

A photo published on July 21, 2018 shows the staff sergeant. Aviv Levi of the Givati ​​Brigade, who was killed by sniper fire from Gaza on 20 July. (Israeli Defense Forces)

Last week saw an escalation. It began with the death of an IDF soldier, Aviv Levi, at the border last Friday in the hands of an elite gunman in Gaza, which led to widespread Israeli air strikes. The UN mediator, Nickolay Mladenov, said the parties had been "minutes of the war" before an unspoken ceasefire was reached.

A ceasefire was quickly agreed upon this weekend. . Israel retaliated with tank fire and air strikes on Hamas targets and rocket fire was fired from Palestinian territory in southern Israeli towns.

Since March 30, the south of Israel has been Israel has experienced many fires. from Gaza across the border into Israeli territory.

More than 7,000 acres of land were burned, causing millions of shekels of damages, according to Israeli officials. The attacks continued almost daily, although there has been a marked reduction in the numbers since last weekend when Hamas declared that it accepted the aforementioned ceasefire.

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