Druze doctor threatens hunger strike on the law on nationality


A Druze doctor told a crowd of hundreds of demonstrators on Satruday night that the community would march on Jerusalem, go on a hunger strike and block roads if the nationality law
who spent last week is not canceled.

Hundreds of people demonstrated in Habima Square in Tel Aviv as part of the protest of the Druze community against
controversial law that has been the subject of in-depth examination.

Dr. Sami Awad, a 54-year-old Druze father and human resources expert from Daliat al-Carmel, gave a speech at the protest, saying to the crowds, "We will go to Jerusalem, begin a hunger strike and block roads. if the law is in force, we demand equality for all minority groups. "

  Dr. Sami Awad addressing the public at the protest (Photo: Matan Turkia)

Dr. Sami Awad addressing the public at the protest (Photo: Matan Turkia)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with the leaders of the coalition factions on Sunday to repair the rift between the Druze community and the government surrounding the law.

At 4 pm, a meeting will be held with the leaders local authorities of the Druze community, and immediately thereafter, the different parties will begin to formulate the solution.

"I was released from the army about four years ago after a 32-year service since 1982," Dr. Awad launched in anger.

"I give lectures to several organizations, colleges and universities, in Israel and abroad, I am an organizational consultant, but I also prepare young Druze to their IDF service," he explained. .

  Druze Protesting the Law on Nationality (Photo: The Druze Page of the Druze Community in Israel)

Druze Protesting the Law on Nationality (Photo: The Druze Community Facebook Page in Israel )

"I want to tell you that the army is the only place where I felt equal, but not quite equal: I served with my Jewish friends, and I went into a house without a building permit, without a legal electrical connection, to a neighborhood without infrastructure and basic services, "he continued.

"When I go to the center of the country, I see new neighborhoods in Yokneam and cities like Harash and Modi'in, and in my city they still have problems connecting water and When I travel abroad, my name is marked and I am constantly interrogated until I take my identity card, "he added. listing examples of discrimination he claims to have suffered.

"The education that I received and absorbed at home, like the other young Druze from this country, emphasized the importance of giving, giving back, and l & # 39; Love of the motherland, "says Dr. Awad. ]

"In the 1950s, my father served as a fighter in the Israeli army, my grandfather also served … Despite everything, the feelings were difficult today: being constantly a witness of discrimination , feeling discriminated, feeling different and hurting injustices … Despite all this, I was filled with pride and I spent many years in the army because I felt that it was 39 was mine, that Israel is my country, "he added.


 The Druze fighters (Photo: Dan Bronfeld)

The Druze fighters (Photo: Dan Bronfeld)

The connection between Jews and the Druze community is natural, says the doctor to his listeners, drawing parallels between the minority status of his community and that of Jews around the world.

"The existence of the state of Israel has never been guaranteed despite the Holocaust that has accelerated the country's establishment."

"What is happening now? Now that the nationality bill has pbaded, the emotions are very strong … Why? … The law allows discrimination, without the discretion of anyone the law is terrible not because of what she said, but because of what she lacks, "said Dr. Awad.

"The law does not mention equality and there is no word about other minorities, only Jews: Article 1c, the most damaging, states that only Jews have the right to national self-determination in the state of It means that I can not define myself, I have no definition, I who served for 32 years in the army Israeli, I do not know how to define myself, "he lamented.

" Am I a mercenary? A temporary guest here? Pbaderby? Have I served for 32 years for my country for nothing? ", He asked, describing the sentiment that resulted from the law as" terrible ".

"How can I persuade the young Druze to enlist in the army now, to contribute to this country that this law does not belong to me, how am I going to look at my son, and in eight years, when it will be his time to enlist, explain to him that after 32 years in the army, I do not want him to enlist because that it is no longer ours, what will happen next, what will happen in 10 to 20 years?

 The protest against the law on nationality in Tel Aviv (Photo: Matan Turkia)

The protest against the law on nationality in Tel Aviv (Photo: Matan Turkia)

Dr. Awad also asked what would be the soldiers currently serving in the Israeli army, how they will look at the flag, "when, according to the definition of this law superfluous and divisive, they are simply mercenaries."

The doctor also shared the personal losses he had suffered while serving in the army.

"I lost soldiers on the battlefield and accompanied bereaved families for years, I felt their pain … What will happen in this new reality, I do not know, Druze Street is indignant today if I do not have all my rights as an equal citizen, "he said.

The speaker also highlighted the Druze contribution to the army and to the country. "It is true that we are only 125,000 people, but we have many rights in this country: there are 142,000 Druze in Israel, two generals in the IDF, 18 brigade generals, one of the developers of the Iron Dome is a senior druze, officer from a northern village, "he explained.

The officers, engineers of various security forces and the ambbadador were among the important professions to which he said the Druze community had contributed.

Pointing out that 427 Druze people had perished in the Israeli wars, Dr. Awad praised their presence in the medical, academic and scientific fields.


 Netanyahu meets Druze rulers (Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO)

Netanyahu meets Druze rulers (Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO)

Turning to the prime minister, Dr. Awad says that he had a little message, reminding him that he was alive only thanks to the actions of a Druze.

"I want to remind him that 50 years ago, while he was commanding the Sayeret Matkal commando unit on Mount Hermon, he was caught in a snowstorm and s & rsquo; He was there, he and all his team would not be with him.The person who came to his aid is one of the northern residents, Salim Shufi, a young Druze who has him saved as well as all his crew … How can you not remember Salim while approving this new and appalling law? He asked.

"We built this country with the Jews, we are in no way against the state … We are in favor of equality for all residents without distinction of religion … Declaration of Independence is the foundation, and is our law on nationality. "

Last Wednesday. Gen. (Res.) Amal As' ad, former commander of the Coordination and Liaison Administration, also expressed his anger
saying, "After building this house with the Jews, the nationality law excludes the Druze community from this house and puts it out of the fence." 19659006]

"We encourage the fact that Israel is a Jewish state even before it was created, and we will continue to do so with or without the law," added As & # 39; ad.

"But, for whatever reason, the Druze community was left behind.I have served in the Israel Defense Forces for that country for 26 years and I have the right to To insist that he's mine exactly as he is yours, "he continued.

 Amal As & # 39; Ad

Amal As & # 39; Ad

"We intend to take further steps, without making reckless gestures, we are thinking together about our next steps to amend the law," explained the former commander of the coordination and the Liaison administration


"Most people, including ministers, are beginning to understand that this law is bad for the state, bad for Jewish citizens, and bad for other minorities," he said.

According to As & # 39; ad, there are Knesset members, lawyers, local authority leaders and officers who have petitioned the High Court on this matter.

"I am proud to be a member of the Druze community … The nationality law has hurt us, we do not want separate laws … We are proud of the flag, National symbols and the declaration of independence The state should be a state for all of its people – Jewish and non-Jewish citizens living there, "he insisted.

  Protest against the law on nationality in Jerusalem (Photo: The Facebook page of the Druze community in Israel)

Protest against the law on nationality in Jerusalem (Photo: The Facebook page of the Druze community in Israel)

Shaher Mahameed, an MDA ambulance worker based in Haifa, also shared his feelings about the controversial law. "I have been working in this field for over 20 years, treating Jews and Arabs alike. I have saved the lives of Jews many times. After recovering, they even handed me certificates of death. appreciation.Unfortunately, the government approved a racism Instead of respecting us, Israel continues to denigrate us. "

Irritated by law, a Bedouin soldier said that he was ashamed of the government that according to him, had proved that he was racist.

"Why should I serve in a country that spits in the face I prefer not to stay in the army a minute more if this law is in force, the government is shot in the foot", he complains.

  Inauguration Ceremony of Bedouin Soldiers (Photo: EPA)

Ceremony of the Assertion of Bedouin Soldiers (Photo: EPA)

No agreement was reached on amendments to the nationality law, according to the Prime Minister's Office. Netanyahu and Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, who led the legislative process, expressed opposition to the amendment of the newly adopted law.

Instead, Netanyahu and other officials discussed the possibility of adding to a law pbaded in May that fixes a day in the official national calendar of the state of Israel celebrating the Druze community and their contribution to the country


Alternatively, a complementary law will be added to the nationality law to establish the status of the Druze community in the country. The secondary law will be formulated by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and a legal adviser of the Druze community.


 Netanyahu Meets MPs and Ministers to Discuss the Druze Community (Photo: Haim Tzah, GPO)

Netanyahu Meets MPs and Ministers to Discuss the Druze Community ( Photo: Haim Tzah, GPO)

In addition, the government will consider promoting legislation that gives preference to Druze who serve or serve in the Israeli army.

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon will work on a solution to a series of issues raised by prominent members of the Druze community, including infrastructure in Druze villages, by establishing a unique program for employment Druze women.

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