The Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi released from the Israeli prison in jubilant scenes


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JERUSALEM – A Palestinian teenager who became an icon of international protest after being filmed slapping Israeli soldiers was greeted by a crowd of supporters Sunday after being released from prison. Israel's 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi was greeted by Palestinian banners, applause and flags as she entered her occupied Nabi Saleh village in the West Bank after spending eight months in an Israeli prison for stalling the work and attacked Israeli soldiers. Tamimi wiped her tears as she and her parents, Bbadem and Nariman Tamimi, were surrounded by journalists and sympathizers.

Tamimi was arrested with her mother in December in front of two Israeli soldiers outside her house, slapping and beating them to leave. Nariman filmed the incident and put it online where he quickly became viral and turned his daughter into a symbol of resistance to the Israeli occupation.

  Image: The Italian artist Jorit Agoch paints a mural of Ahed Tamim
A mural of Ahed Tamimi on the separation barrier of Israel in the city of Bethlehem In the West Bank With his unruly blonde mane, Tamimi resisted the long-standing stereotype of Palestinian militants as hardened and rocky warriors. launch young people, revitalize a population discouraged by years of Israeli occupation.

But in Israel, it is considered by many to be provocative, irritating or threatening the deterrence policy of the army. this type of terrorists, "said Israeli Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Uri Ariel on Sunday, saying Israel should" treat harshly those who beat its soldiers, "he added.

In January, Israeli Minister Michael Oren elicited outrage after admitting that the Tamimis had been the subject of a clbadified investigation to find out if they were actually "light". "Actors and not a real family.

Dozens of Palestinians were waiting for Tamimi's release at the Jbara checkpoint in the West Bank just after 9:00 am (2:00 am ET). A little later, in Nabi Saleh, supporters welcomed his house with Palestinian flags planted on the roof of his house

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