Hundreds of people attend the funeral of a Tel Aviv boy killed by a suspected driver while intoxicated


Hundreds of people attended a Sunday funeral for a 13-year-old boy who was killed when he was struck by a suspicious driver while he was lying on a sidewalk at Tel Aviv Friday.

Police named him Eylon Shalev-Amsalem on Saturday after his parents returned to Israel. They were on vacation in Thailand and the teenager had asked if he could stay to spend summer holidays with friends.

Eli Bar Zakai, the driver of the car that killed Shalev-Amsalem, was held in custody for three more days by the Tel Aviv District Court. The police accused him of being drunk at the time of the accident, a charge that his lawyer denied.

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"I refuse to leave you", his mother, Dikla Shalev-Amsalem, praised the funeral. "Wherever I go, you will always be my guardian angel."

Eylon Shalev-Amsalem, who was killed in a car accident on July 28, 2018. (Courtesy)

She went on to say that she had discovered she was pregnant with Eylon during A trip to Sinai to celebrate the 36th birthday of his father

"I love you, I want you with me, my darling flower, darling, the boy who was filled with love, my heart is bright, "she continued," I'm falling apart and I have to get back together. You are a child of life, not a child of death. "

His father, Kobi Shalev-Amsalem, described him as adult and intelligent, and said that he could make people cry with his mind.

my prince," he said. "A cute young man who tested borders and new places out of curiosity."

The car that plowed Eylon Shalev-Amsalem, killed him and injured his friend in Tel Aviv on July 27, 2018. ( MDA)

The Minister of Finance, Moshe Kahlon, a friend of the family, attended the funeral at Kiryat Shaul cemetery in Tel Aviv

Messages from friends sent to Shalev-Amsalem after hearing talk about the accident were read at the burial.

"Maybe you'll read it from the sky," wrote one of his friends. "I hope that's it. good for you. "

Another friend left a message on his Instagram page.

" I hope you find the rest there. It's hard for everyone here without you, "he writes. "This life is not right, I love you, and I am flooded with tears."

Eylon Shalev-Amsalem and another friend waiting to cross the street at the intersection of the streets Ibn Gabirol and Shai Agnon in northern Tel Aviv when a driver traveling at Speed ​​lost control of his vehicle, climbed onto the sidewalk and drove in both boys.

Shalev-Amsalem was rushed to hospital in critical condition, where doctors pronounced him dead two hours after his arrival. The second teenager suffered moderate upper body injuries and is now recovering at the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Eli Bar Zakai, the driver suspected of causing the death of Ayalon Shalev-Amsalem, 2018. [Flash90]

Police at the scene of the accident subjected a Blood alcohol test at Bar Zakai, who found that the 23-year-old resident of Jerusalem was under the influence of alcohol

. the blood alcohol level is 600 micrograms per liter, more than ten times the amount allowed for a driver under 24 years of age.

As the test performed is often insufficient to stand in court, the police asked for more accurate blood test, but Bar Zakai refused. According to Israeli law, such refusal means that the suspect is considered to be intoxicated.

Bar Zakai's lawyer denied being intoxicated and said he lost control of the vehicle because he was driving too fast.

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