The icon of nonviolent resistance Ahed Tamimi breathes freedom


By: Khaled Tayeh

RAMALLAH, July 29, 2018 (WAFA) – After months of being locked up in the darkness of Israeli prison cells and fighting countless trials, petitions and demonstrations of support and gatherings, curly Ahed Tamimi, a blonde teen with long hair, finally breathed freedom.

On December 15, 2017, a large unit of Israeli soldiers, who wounded Mohammad, a 15-year-old cousin, attacked the village of Nabi Saleh, near the city of Ramallah, the occupied West Bank, where Ahed is But it was only when some of the soldiers approached Ahed's court that she became an icon of protest for the Palestinians. She stood up against two soldiers, but she also slapped them, fired them, and pushed them away from her family's home.

The event was filmed by Ahed's mother, Nariman, who also posted the video online. Media provokes strong reaction even in Israeli media

On December 19, 2017, four days after the video went viral, Israeli soldiers burst into Tamimi's home and took Ahed out of bed in the middle of the night. the night.

She was only 16 years old at that time. The army charged him with attacking and slapping Israeli soldiers after they invaded his home. Tamimi's mother, Nariman, 43, and her cousins, Nour, 21, were also detained for similar charges.

It was not long before the case of Ahed received local and international attention at so many levels mainly because of his young age and his bravery in defending his home and standing up against Israeli soldiers

. with women, especially Ahed who is considered a popular hero for only facing heavily armed Israeli soldiers attacking his home and village.

At first, the Ofer military court detained the three women for several days. hearing on their imprisonment.

On January 1, 2018, Ahed was charged by a military court with 12 counts of security-related offenses. The charges include aggravated aggression by a soldier, throwing stones and incitement, and are linked to six different incidents, some dating back as far as April 2016.

Although Ahed was detained for nearly One month, his case still attracted international attention and many world figures showed sympathy and support and demanded his release.

For example, more than 40 organizations organized a rally at the Penn Station in New York in January to demand his release. The protest was part of a series of global actions marking Ahed 's 17th birthday on January 31 and the start of his Israeli military trial, which was to begin on the same day in jail. Ofer in Israel.

Ahed was seen as an iconic symbol Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called for his release. But this time the support and sympathy came from more vocal figures: celebrities.

A number of celebrities, artists, scholars and civil rights icons signed a letter in favor of Ahed and other Palestinian children jailed by Israel. 19659003] The signatories include prominent actors Danny Glover, Rosario Dawson, star of Gray's Anatomy Jesse Williams and LisaGay Hamilton of The Practice; musicians Vic Mensa, TalibKweli and Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine; civil rights leaders PatrisseCullors and Alicia Garza (co-founders of Black Lives Matter), Angela Davis, Michelle Alexander and Alice Walker; political commentators Marc Lamont-Hill and Angela Rye; and Seattle Seahawks defensive line champion and champion Michael Bennett.

American Jewish actress Sarah Silverman also publicly demonstrated her support for the imprisoned teenager. She took it on Twitter to show her solidarity with Ahed against the injustice done by the Israeli government, saying that Jews must defend the activist and the prisoner.

Silverman has faced a wave of criticism from Twitter users after his tweet. Back in the hometown of Ahed, Nabi Saleh, things have intensified. In February 2018, Israeli forces attacked the village early in the morning and carried out a large-scale raiding operation, arresting up to 10 members of the Tamimi family, most of them minors, including Mohammad Tamimi. years old, who had been severely injured. when he was wounded in the face by Israeli forces in December and that he remains in serious condition and that he is expecting a new operation in March. Tamim, his 17-year-old brother, was also arrested.

In March, a few months after Ahed's detention prompted worldwide condemnation and demanded his immediate release, a military court sentenced Ahed and his mother, Nariman, 42, to eight months in prison over 1500 $ fine for each following a plea bargain between Tamimis' lawyer and the military prosecutor.

A few weeks after the sentence, a video of his interrogation was released by his family and showed the 17-year-old A girl undergoes cruel and abusive interrogation at an Israeli army detention center after his arrest.

The video shows a two-hour interrogation session in which two Israeli interrogators used abusive and threatening language to make Ahed admit.

However, she remained silent throughout the interrogation, as shown in the video.

In July, four months after Ahed was sentenced, it was the time of his release, one day considered a national holiday by many Palestinians. the girl to be an icon of the Palestinian resistance.

Ahed and his mother were finally released on July 28 after spending eight months in Israeli jails. She is finally free and can enjoy freedom at home while enjoying her status as an emblematic and courageous hero among Palestinians and many other Palestinian supporters.


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