Herzog will leave the Knesset on Sunday


Staff Writer

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The incumbent opposition leader, Isaac Herzog, will present his Knesset resignation letter to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein on Sunday morning.

The resignation will take effect Tuesday, and Herzog will begin his new job as president of the Jewish Agency on Wednesday.

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Herzog will finish 15 years in the Knesset, where he served five terms. He will be replaced as the leader of the opposition by and as MK by the next name on the list of the Zionist Union, the former deputy of Kadima Robert Tiviaev.

The appointment of Livni will have to be approved by opposition MPs the next time the Knesset meets.

Signatures were drafted to force a special session of the Knesset during the summer holidays on the Jewish Nation Law and the surrogacy law. Livni is expected to deliver her first speech as opposition leader at this session.

Tiviaev will be sworn in at the Knesset session. He said that if the elections were held now, he would not vote for the Zionist Union.

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