Can the Moonves keep their job at CBS? & # 39; It is no longer untouchable & # 39;


Can the Moonves keep their job at CBS? "It's no longer untouchable"

The Moonves are trying to do what few men accused of badual misconduct at the time of #MeToo have managed to do: Hold his job .

Harvey Weinstein's men at Kevin Spacey at Matt Lauer Louis CK lost leading roles and largely left public life because they were accused of wrongdoing. But the CEO of CBS will have to fight to retain the company that he has successfully run for 15 years, earning more than $ 320 million over the past five years alone, experts say to TheWrap [19659003"ThisdefinitelycreatesatroublingsituationforLesespeciallyconsideringtheprecedentthathasbeensetandhowthesechargescanoftenleadtoasnowballeffect"saidTunaAmobiCFRAResearchMediaAnalystItsurvives-andnowIwouldnotbetthatitwill-itsreputationwillbesignificantlytarnished"

See also: The Moonves accused by 6 women of badual harbadment

New York story Friday, Ronan Farrow detailed the charges of four women who said that Moonves touched them or kissed them forcibly at business meetings, and two women who said that he intimidated them physically o It threatened to derail their careers. The six women, including actress and writer Illeana Douglas and writer Janet Jones, said they feared retaliation if they expressed themselves.

Moonves, who defended the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, said in a statement: "I recognize that there are dozens of years, I may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. These are mistakes, and I regret them very much. He stressed that he understood and respected that "no means no. "

CBS insider tells TheWrap Friday that Moonves plans to stay on the job while CBS investigates accusations in history

The charges arise while Moonves is locked in a power struggle with Shari Redstone, who is trying to get CBS and Viacom together Redstone controls about 80% of both companies through its parent company, National Amusements [19659038] See also: Julie Chen supports husband Les Moonves after charges of badual harbadment: "Leslie is a good man"

"said Lloyd Greif, founder and CEO of Greif & Co., an investment bank specializing in media and entertainment mergers." It does not look good for Moonves and, yes, that could very well make him fall. "

" If that's the case, you can badume that he'll get a hand from Viacom. They will not be sad to see him leave, "Greif told TheWrap." He is the traffic cop who is hailing his hand to stop the merger between the two companies, and the problem with traffic policemen is that sometimes they [get] hit a car. "

Amobi said that if any one was as powerful as Weinstein Moonves should be worried, too.

Farrow says that 30 current and former CBS employees have him said "that such behavior extended from Moonves to important parts of society, including CBS News and 60 Minutes. Farrow reports that 19 current and former employees have said that Jeff Fager, the former president of CBS News and the current executive producer of "60 Minutes," has allowed harbadment within the news branch of the [Lire la suite] Many Millions The Moonves Made in Each of the Last 5 Years

This creates another layer of trouble for CBS, which promised to seriously investigate all charges.

"CBS needs to do a thorough investigation of not only the M's," said Richard Levick, president of crisis management firm Levick. "There is no doubt that he is weaker.He's no longer untouchable."

"Some of the allegations are incredibly graphic, including highly graphic claims of career ruin. is scary, "said Levick. "I think it goes beyond a mere misunderstanding or a single event, it seems like a perpetual activity."

One of the best talents, who also works with brands to shape the world. Image, was confident that Moonves will survive, and marveled at the nuance of his response. The officer said that Moonves could benefit from the fact that the charges are at least ten years old.

"The claims are longstanding, he owned advances, but said that he respected" no, no, "and there are," said the agent, under cover of Anonymity.

Douglas stated that his career suffered after rejecting Moonves. But the agent noted that Douglas appeared on CBS and Showtime (which is owned by CBS) after 1997, when she said that Moonves kept her and kissed her.This could help Moonves to argue that he did not retaliate against her.

"She said her pilot had been rejected after she had refused, but she was then screened on the network, which appeared to be legally treated The independent directors of CBS said in a statement Friday that "the team SCS's current executive board "had all its support in the dispute between CBS and Viacom:

All allegations of misconduct personal needs to be taken seriously. The independent directors of CBS are committed to investigating claims that violate the Company's clear policies in this regard. At the conclusion of this investigation, which concerns allegations reported over several decades, the Council will promptly review the findings and take appropriate action.

The timing of this report is at the heart of the Corporation's very public legal dispute. While this litigation process continues, the CAS management team enjoys the full support of independent Board members. With this team, we will continue to focus on creating value for our shareholders.

Redstone, through NAI, denied what she said was "the malicious insinuation" that she was behind charges against Moonves. In his story, Farrow says he's been talking to the accusers since the beginning of the conflict between CBS and Viacom

Here is Moonves' complete statement:

Throughout my stay at CBS, we promoted a culture respect and opportunity. for all employees, and have always managed to elevate women to executive positions in our company. I recognize that there are dozens of years ago, I may have made some women feel uncomfortable by making advances. These are mistakes, and I regret them very much. But I have always understood and respected – and respected the principle – that "no" means "no" and that I have never abused my position to harm or hinder the career of anyone. It's a time when we all focus on how we help improve our society, and we at CBS are committed to being part of the solution.

Matt Donnelly contributed to this report.

Read the original story Can The Moonves keep his job at CBS? & # 39; It is no longer untouchable & # 39; at TheWrap

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