A haredi mayor for Tel Aviv?


Natan Elnatan, representing Shas in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality, who announced last week that he intends to run for mayor, explained to Arutz Sheva why he decided to run against Mayor Ron Huldai.

According to Elnatan, until two and a half weeks ago, the badessment was that Huldai, who has been mayor for the past 20 years, would also win the next election. But then, his deputy, Asaf Zamir, announced that he would run against him, and at the same time, MP Stav Shafir announced that she was going to run.

"We saw that there were six candidates, and they all came from the left, the far left: for a Jew who observes Torah and mitzvot, and for a traditional Jew and a Right winger, there is no candidate for whom he can vote, "Elnatan said.

He added: "Huldai was the most likely candidate and today it is [mayor] and we have no one to vote for: in Tel Aviv, 40% of religious, haredi, traditional and right do not identify with any of the candidates. "

Elnatan He said that he received encouragement from rabbis and politicians who encouraged him to run . "Everyone told me:" You have to go to the town hall, if there is 40% who have no alternative against 60% who have six candidates, we must present a candidate against the left. "

the city must undergo a change." Tel Aviv lost its legitimate place. [City hall] says that the concern of the locals has been our priority, but we have become a city that serves the mark, and today, when you open the municipality's website, you see festivals, events and parties . "

" What needs to be done is to bring back Tel Aviv to the residents, and the city of Tel Aviv, which is rich and has resources, will invest the money in the residents and especially in the southern residents from the city. "

He also addressed the issue of illegal infiltration in the southern part of the city." The municipality must invest less in infiltrators, to give them the minimum required by law, while investing more resources in the community Tel Aviv South Jewish. "

Elnatan was asked if he wanted to close the business in the city on Shabbat completely." We have not sought to close the entire city and we We have no plans to close it, "he replied," but there was a status quo here for years: the entertainment venues and restaurants were open. I would be happy to see that the whole city is closed, but I live in Tel Aviv and not in Bnei Brak and I know how to live in a mixed city. "

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