Who is America? Third week: Sacha Baron Cohen uses a fake pedophile detector on Alabama Judge Roy Moore


The third episode of by Sacha Baron Cohen lacked the headliners of the first two episodes – but he led with a segment featuring the former judge of the same. Alabama, Roy Moore, who had revealed that he had been targeted before the series and then threatened to sue the comedian.

He stated in a statement that he was thinking of meeting someone to discuss Israel, but, as seen in the segment, Baron Cohen's anti-Israelist An expert in terrorism, Colonel Erran Morad, spoke to Moore about a piece of "Israeli technology" that could identify pedophiles. The other segments included a rap battle and a fake Quinceañera

This is what Baron Cohen targeted in the third week:

Target: Roy Moore, former judge of Alabama and candidate for the Republican Senate

Character: Col Erran Morad

What happened: The former judge of Alabama, who lost an open Senate seat in his state after being accused of an inappropriate encounter with a 14-year-old girl, was interviewed by Baron Cohen's expert character in a technology-driven segment on a scanner capable of detect pedophiles. He made a beep when he ran past Moore, who became increasingly frustrated and eventually cut the short segment. "I have never been accused of such things," he said, before getting up and ending the interview. "I support Israel, I can not stand this kind of thing," he said.

Erev Tov, I was honored that the ladies King Moore took the time to talk to me. https://t.co/WYnPOqN7ad

– Colonel Erran Morad (@ErranMorad) July 30, 2018

Answer: Moore published a statement before the premiere of the series, saying that it was targeted and intended for Sue Baron Cohen.

Target: John, Jack and Joe, followers of Trump

Character: Col. Erran Morad

What Happened: The character brought three anti-immigration Trump supporters for a demonstration of how to "trap illegal Mexicans". They threw a fake Quinceañera and a covered guacamole, with one of the men wearing "bad panties" (underwear with a fake bad attached) and posing as the birthday girl. The police arrived after a call to a "suspicious activity" that they were trying to attract the girls – naturally, they seemed suspicious and could not explain what was happening.

Answer: None of the air.

Target: Chip Limehouse, politician of South Carolina and Bone Crusher, rapper of Atlanta

Character: Dr. Nira Cain-N & # 39; Degeocello

What Happened: The Liberal character, NPR-allegedly liked the two men to have a conversation about the race, but told the rapper that "black" was a word offending, and asked the men about their favorite scene in Moonlight and then talked about Will Smith being from Compton. Limehouse became defensive while Bone Crusher looked around in disbelief.

Answer: None in the air.

Target: A group of freestyle rappers from Atlanta

: Dr. Nira Cain-N Degeocello

What s & Happened: The character visited a group of freestyle rappers and participated in a rap battle, giving up using the PC language to talk about a "phallus" and respect for women. [19659002] Answer: None of the air

Who is America? airs on Sundays at 10 pm on Showtime.

] This article was originally published in THR.com

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