"Do not let the state lie on an illegal Bedouin outpost"


The High Court of Justice will discuss the evacuation of the illegal Bedouin outpost of Khan el-Ahmar this Wednesday as a result of an additional petition filed by the Palestinian Authority (AP).

Prior to the discussion, leading Likud Youth activists and leaders in Israel called on MPs and ministers to exercise their influence and make their voices heard by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Justice remain firm before the High Court of Justice and do not surrender to The letter is signed by David Shain, president of Likud Youth, Ariel Morali, youth secretary of Likud, Yossi Vranovsky, member of the youth committee of Likud Kati Shitrit, Elad Malka and Tzachi Dickstein, President of Samaria. The Settlers Committee as well as the Likud Headquarters, the Likud Liberals, the Young Settlement Forum, My Likud and other branches.

In their appeal to the MKs, the Tories signline that the Khan al-Ahmar affair constitutes a turning point and a fundamental test with regard to Israeli sovereignty and embodies the strategic interests of the state of Israel. # 39; Israel.

"After a decade of deliberations and petitions, the court ruled that there is no reason to delay the evacuation and that there is no of legal dispute over the illegality of the pregnant.However, despite the rule established by the Supreme Court for the evacuation of settlements of Amona and Nativ Ha – the principle of the finality of the hearing – Judge Baron recently decided to accept another unfounded petition presented by lawyers representing the Palestinian Authority. "We call all members of Likud and Knesset to exercise their influence and voice, loudly and publicly, so that the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Justice, the Office of the Prosecutor and the Civil Administration will receive full support until 39, at the hearing before the High Court of Justice, "wrote the activists. "For Israeli sovereignty, the rule of law and justice are equal for all."

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