TeNiya Jones, 19, a student at the University of Kentucky, has disappeared
recently swimming on a beach in Tel Aviv, Israel. Jones is from Fort Myers, Florida.
Kinfay Moroti,

TeNiya Jones, 19, graduated from Dunbar High School 2017 and a second-year student from the University of Kentucky, participated in a seven-week exchange program in Jordan. The friends decided to take a weekend trip to Israel before returning to the United States next Friday. An affair from the University of Kentucky called his mother, Tosha Jones-Mora late Saturday night to say that Jones and two friends had swam around midnight at Bat Yam Beach, photographed, and were caught in a strong current . All three tried to swim ashore but Jones did not bring it out of the water. (Photo:

TeNiya Jones has always been a fighter.

When Dunbar High School's alum tore up his ACL in second grade in 2015. His doctor said it would be best to take the next two years, ending his high school hurdles career. .

This was not the answer she wanted to hear. Because of his tireless commitment to rehabilitation, Jones returned for the last half of his senior season to crown his career with a regional championship in the 100-meter hurdles.

With the new Sunday that Jones was reported to have disappeared while swimming on a beach in Tel Aviv, Jone's mother, Tosha Thomas-Mora, the Dunbar community and the Southwestern athletics community. Florida pray that she stays in this fight. 19659008] "She perseveres," said Thomas-Mora of her daughter. "I watched her give everything she had to everything she's ever done."

For more information: A student from Fort Myers is missing in Israel. Disappearing while swimming at Tel Aviv Beach

Thomas-Mora continues to receive a wave of support from family, friends, coaches and teachers since Saturday night's apprenticeship. The study abroad program in Jordan did not return after a midnight swim in the Mediterranean.

Bill Bull, vice president of health and safety at the Council for International Educational Exchange, told Thomas-Mora Jones for swimming reported that they were caught in a current tearing. They swam to the shore but Jones could not be found, Bull told him.

He left Thomas-Mora and his family in a situation where she felt helpless in the face of her daughter who was due to return from Jordan next week. [19659017] TeNiya Jones, 19, a graduate of Dunbar High School 2017 and a sophomore at the University of Kentucky, participated in a seven-week exchange program in Jordan. Some friends decided to go on a weekend in Israel. A liaison from the University of Kentucky called his mother, Tosha Jones-Mora, late Saturday night to say that Jones and two friends had swam around midnight at Bat Yam beach and were caught in a strong current . All three tried to swim ashore, but Jones failed to get out of the water. "width =" 180 "height =" 240 "data-mycapture-src =" Teniya_Jones_family.jpg "data-mycapture-sm-src =" https: //www.gannett-cdn.comhttp: // -19-8d3e7a674694-Teniya_Jones_family.jpg? width = 318 & height = 400 "/>

19-year-old TeNiya Jones, a graduate of Dunbar High School 2017 and a sophomore at the University of Kentucky, participated in a Seven-week exchange program in Jordan decided to make a weekend trip to Israel before returning to the United States next Friday.A liaison from the University of Kentucky called its mother, Tosha Jones-Mora, late Saturday night to say that Jones and two friends had swam around midnight at Bat Yam Beach and were caught in a strong current.All three tried to swim ashore but Jones did not did not bring out water. [19659016] (Photo: