The first Israeli-Indian projects get the green light from the $ 40 million joint technology fund


Affordable surgical devices and water, energy and cellular projects are the Israeli-Indian initiatives funded by a common fund of technological innovation set up by the two countries for stimulate collaboration between researchers and companies.

The Board of Directors of the Israel-India Fund for R & D and Industrial Innovation (I4F) announced the first four beneficiaries of this fund, launched at the beginning of the year following the visit in July 2017 of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel.

"These grants are an important milestone in the continuation of the historic partnership between Israel and India," said Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry Eli Cohen, in a statement. announcement announcing the winning companies.

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Bacsoft (Israel), manufacturer of IoT devices and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (India), energy services company of the Indian Government, will work together at the l 39 improvement of water and energy efficiency in Indian villages through the creation and application of water and electricity management systems; and Monitoring devices of the Internet of Things (IoT)

in India (yavuzsariyildiz; iStock by Getty Images)

Ubiqam Ltd. (Israel) and Frog Cellsat Limited (India) – a radio equipment manufacturer will work together to develop mobile solutions for the Indian cell market to help mitigate interference in cellular networks and improve the quality of the network.

Agrosolar Irrigation Systems Ltd. (Israel) and Vyoda Private Ltd. (India) QC solar-powered, solar-powered water pump systems that are cost-effective, efficient and suitable for all types of wells, to increase electricity generation and reduce costs. # 39; maintenance.

Sanoculis Ltd (Israel) and Appasamy Ocular Devices (P) Ltd (India) will work together to develop affordable surgical devices to help ophthalmologists treat glaucoma in India at lower cost [19659003] "The highlight of this fund is to create a revolutionary tool that can help Israel." Entrepreneurs and industrialists "to enter the Indian market, Ami Appelbaum, the chief scientist at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Industry and president of the Israel Innovation Authority, said in the statement. "Emerging markets are priorities for us and the penetration of these markets could open up vast business opportunities for Israeli entrepreneurs."

An illustrative image of a solar panel installation in India (greenaperture; iStock by Getty Images)

will provide $ 40 million over five years to joint Israeli-Indian projects, said Sunday a second call for proposals for joint ventures, which should be launched in August with a deadline of November 2018. The areas of interest of the second call for proposals remain similar to those of the first, and include the areas of interest. agriculture, energy, health care, information and communication technologies (ICT) and water, . Ashutosh Sharma, secretary of the Department of Science and Technology and co-chair of the I4F Board of Directors in India, said the fund will allow the governments of India and Israel to catalyze joint research and development projects. development in commercial products. This will bring the industrial R & D and technological innovation partnership between India and Israel to "a new level" and will serve as a model for others according to the statement.

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