The Jets started the training camp but quarterback Sam Darnold could not be found


In theory, there is not much Something to negotiate regarding the NFL Recruitment Contracts. Since 2011, the date of the coming into force of the most recent collective agreement, new players in the league have been awarded contracts related to the place where they were drafted. Stalemates have become a thing of the past, for the most part: Of the 256 players drafted in April, all but two signed contracts and showed up at the training camp.

So it is curious to see a rookie nowadays, and he is particularly curious to see this defeat as the quarterback of the team. That's the case of Sam Darnold, who the Jets took with this year's draft No. 3 pick, but who has not yet been introduced to the training camp, even though it's not the same. 39, he is badured of a four-year contract worth $ 30 million. $ 20 Million Signing Bonus

The reasons depend on who you read. Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News depicts the contractual quarrel as a test of will between the Jets and Darnold's agent, Jimmy Sexton, on the so-called "offset" language in the contract. In essence, such language provides some protection to the Jets in the unlikely event that they cut off Darnold during his rookie contract. By including the lag language, the Jets could reduce the money they should to Darnold should he sign with another team. Without the clause, Darnold would receive the full amount that would be owed him by the Jets plus any money that he would receive from the team that would sign it.

For the sake of comparison, Baker Mayfield agreed to include In his contract with the Browns, Mehta says that he reduced his influence on the Jets in his negotiations with Darnold.

Rich Cimini of ESPN, meanwhile, says that the offset language "remains a problem", but raises another problem. point. The Jets want to include a clause in the contract that would void any money guarantee to Darnold if he is simply fined by the league for damaging conduct on or off the court. It's a lower threshold than the contracts signed by Mayfield and Josh Allen, a quarterback taken with the seventh pick by the Buffalo Bills. Both have clauses that cancel their guaranteed money if they are suspended, not fine. In addition, it would be relatively rare for such a high choice to accept such a low threshold: Cimini says that in the last 10 drafts of the NFL, none of the top 3 choices have accepted a clause that would cancel the guaranteed money in the case of a fine. In addition, the Jets are part of a handful of NFL teams that require such clauses from their recruits, according to Mehta .

A third possible reason appeared Monday morning via Michael Silver of the NFL Network. He says that the Darnold holdup is not based on a clearing clause, but rather on a lapse wording that allows a team to recover money if a player is injured by practicing certain activities outside. soccer. The Jets include such language in all their contracts and would probably not be willing to make an exception for Darnold, because then all the other players they would write would like the same courtesy to be given to them.

In any case, the Jets have started the training camp with only two quarters present in Josh McCown and Teddy Bridgewater, and coach Todd Bowles does not seem to consider Darnold's stalemate. as something to worry about.

"This is part of the business," Bowles said. Associated Press. "You face something every year, I'm not disappointed, I have a lot of guys here to train and get ready for the season."

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