Muslim worshipers clash with Israeli police on Temple Mount


Israeli police reopened Temple Mount to Muslim worshipers after the temple closed due to clashes between Arab worshipers and security officials.

Young Muslims wearing masks threw firecrackers and threw stones at police patrolling the Temple Mount after Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, police said. The rioters then barricaded themselves in the mosque. In response, the police entered the mosque and arrested 16 Arab worshipers and eight others on the site. They also used stun grenades and smoke grenades to clean the entire site and closed it to visitors.

Four Israeli policemen were wounded in the clashes.

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The incident arose a year after Israel installed metal detectors at the Muslim entrance to the site after a terrorist attack on the Temple Mount by three Arab Israelis who caused two deaths among the Israeli police. Two weeks after the installation of metal detectors, Muslim worshipers held their prayer services at the site entrance, they were kidnapped.

The firecrackers and rocks came while the faithful were holding the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein, said the official Palestinian press agency WAFA was a "peaceful march" to mark the occasion .

After the closing of the Temple Mount on Friday, Muslim worshipers gathered outside its doors for a public afternoon. year.

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