It's time to think big and stop pedaling in the cruel program of exporting live products


Monday afternoon, David Littleproud, Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, announced his travel itinerary to Israel

Clearly demonstrating his inability to account for public opinion, Littleproud is currently in Israel to put pressure on the country. continue to take live animals from Australia

Littleproud's trip to Israel comes before the Israeli parliament decides to stop the trade.

Despite a constant reaction, a number of errors on its behalf, and overwhelming evidence that live exporting is a scourge to the Australian agricultural industry, Littleproud continues to push for the continuation of this cruel practice.

In a press release, Littleproud supports its badertion that live exporting can be done "despite the fact that leading live exporters are continually demonstrating their inability to ensure animal welfare in this controversial industry

Live exporting, even when it is done "in the right way," is a cruel affair .The Australian ships are transported to the Middle East and are ill-equipped to transport the animals with them. the care that all Australians would expect from them

Instead of lobbying for outdated, archaic and backward industries, Littleproud should begin to think and visit the innovative headquarters of SuperMeat.

Based in Tel. Aviv, the biotechnology and food technology startup creates clean meat by growing cells that have been extracted without pain from a chicken. They are then grown under conditions that allow them to thrive, forming high quality chicken cuts. This process puts an end to the industrial need to mbad produce animals for slaughter, while eliminating exposure to animal waste and food-borne diseases; the potential benefits to public health and welfare of animals are therefore considerable.

And it is not only in Israel that these future industries are born; The future of agriculture is already global and it does not require the sacrifice of thousands of animals. Tesla and SpaceX board member Steve Jervetson recently launched a boost on Memphis Meat, a meatless meat start-up & # 39; which aims to transform global food production. He also tries to grow "cultured" or "clean" meat from animal cells. Jurvetson has tried the product and describes it as no different in taste and texture to any steak. However, it uses 10 times less water and land than current production methods.

He believes that this technology will change the whole manufacturing base of animal products over the next 50 years.

It's time for David Littleproud to start thinking and stop strolling on live export interests.

Littleproud says that he is "serious about animal welfare". If he was really serious, he would seek to end the practice and not put pressure on Israel so that he continues to endanger thousands of animals for minimal or no material gain. .

This is not to say that Littleproud and his team have demonstrated poor supervision of the industry. A few weeks ago, it was revealed that the Federal Department of Agriculture had confessed to having made a shocking mistake in admitting having made an error of law in allowing the export of 58,000 Australian sheep to the Middle East. East aboard an Emanuel Exports ship. the export authorization did not even hold the proper delegation power, which means that thousands of animals were shipped illegally to the Middle East in appalling conditions

Littleproud and his department are cruelly missing from the public

There are many clear alternatives to live exporting, which Business News Australia has explored in the past. Despite evidence to support the ban on the practice, Littleproud continues to ignore the facts.

Fortunately, there have been recent victories for anti-live export activists. The living exporter Garry Robinson was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for his role in a disastrous expedition to the Middle East that led to the brutal slaughter of thousands of sheep in Pakistan [19659002RobinsonwhoworkedforWellardalivingexporterthelawtoauthorizethetransferof22000sheepfromBahraintoPakistanhasbeensentencedtoan18-monthsuspendedprisonsentence

He was found guilty of falsifying documents by the Pakistani authorities. Agriculture changes shipping approvals.

There is still some way to go, but Business News Australia will continue to fight for the end of this cruel practice by encouraging ministers from all political parties to oppose it.

READ: There is little to be proud of in the wake of the controversy of live export

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