Trump, Giuliani Smokescreen mistook what is done, fiction


But for Trump, it's the moment when he faces impending and medium-term legal and political challenges that could have serious implications for his presidency and give him every reason to try to give the impression to everyone. After a weekend spent harpooning special advocate Robert Mueller on Twitter, Trump, aided by his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, sowed a new cloud of confusion and confusion over Russia, the budget and the country on Monday. # 39; Iran. But the president declined to answer questions about the epic collapse of his relationship with his former lawyer Michael Cohen who now seems to want to shoot him down.

His tense mood is likely to worsen when Mueller launches his first real test in court on Tuesday, when former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort goes on trial for tax and fraudulent charges. in Virginia

and the mid-term elections, the first chance for voters to decide the tumultuous presidency of Trump. also clearly at the top of the president's mind, shaping political and legal strategies that seem to evolve at the moment

Giuliani unleashed

Giuliani did not simply move the goal posts into his Trump defense of the Mueller probe on Monday – he tore the ground and desecrated the stadium.

In a clearly calibrated performance to toughen hesitant Republicans against Mueller, Gi Uliani claimed on CNN's "New Day" that he does not even know whether it's a crime, collusion on the Russians.

This evolution of the Trump defense was remarkable given that Trump spent months tweeting "No Collusion!" and it prompted immediate questions as to whether the President's legal team tacitly admitted more responsibility for the President than she had previously accepted.

  Giuliani says that it is not sure that collusion is a crime despite the investigation Mueller

It is true that there is no specific offense of collusion, no evidence that the President or his election team knew that there was an attempt by Russia to interfere in the election to help Trump win could plunge them into the very hot water.

"What he said here today of course does not make sense legally, it is a crime to coordinate with foreign nationals and receive a valuable thing as a Don, it's a conspiracy to defraud the United States if you engage in this kind of conduct, "said Michael Zeldin, a CNN legal badyst who worked for Mueller at the Department of Justice. R ELAT: Giuliani says that he has not heard the Mueller team in 10 days on Trump interview

A day before the opening of the trial of Manafort in Virginia, the former mayor of New York has also taken steps to move Trump away from his former campaign president. the responsibility of a "very discrete and important area" in 2016 – securing delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Yet, it is already clear that if Trump and the issue of Russian electoral interference will not be in the dock, the proceedings in Alexandria, Virginia, will occupy the White House as long as it lasts. Case

. If he is convicted and with the prospect of spending the rest of his life in jail, Manafort could be encouraged to cooperate with Mueller. he has information about Trump or accomplices who are plotting with Russia's electoral interference effort.
This reality may help explain Trump's hitting attacks on Mueller this weekend which represent the most personal badault. t on special advice again by the president. That could also indicate the motivation for Giuliani's muddy mission on Monday that left Trump's legal strategy more confused than ever.

Another stunning summit?

It's been a week since Trump tweets in capital letters warning Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani said that while he did not stop threatening the United States, his country "would suffer consequences of which few have suffered before" .
Yet on Monday, answering a question after meeting with the Italian Prime Minister, Trump offered to sit down with the Iranian leader – a meeting that would be the first meeting of its kind since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

"I would definitely meet Iran if they wanted to meet," Trump said. "I'm ready to meet whenever they want."

"No preconditions," he added.

It was not really surprising that Trump adopted such an approach. After all, he threw the diplomatic convention out the window by sitting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore in June, despite the fact that both parties have been at war for nearly 70 years.

As the president and his subordinates adopt a rhetoric and intensify the long confrontation with the Islamic Republic, they seem to be trying to create the same kind of leverage that seems to have helped Kim at the table.

  Trump's Will to Meet Iran is Diplomatic ... Trust, Dem Says

Yet the question of knowing where their approach represents a

Many badysts believe that it is impossible for Iran to agree to "get it right". sit down with Trump – for ideological reasons and especially since he's withdrawn from a nuclear deal concluded by the Obama administration with Tehran. The chances of the President getting a better deal are slim, since the other four permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany who have accepted the original approach are still attached to it, which is why little incentive for Iran to withdraw

. It seems unlikely that the main Middle East allies of Trump, Israel and Saudi Arabia, welcome such an approach.

And given the still unclear results of its recent summits with Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin, an attempt to organize a summit with Rouhani – without preconditions – would be an act of astonishing political bravery.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in an interview with CNBC, later tried to row the offer without Trump's prerequisites.

"If Iranians demonstrate a commitment to making fundamental changes in the way they treat their own people, reduce their dishonest behavior, may agree that it is worthwhile to reach a nuclear deal that actually prevents proliferation Then the President He said that he was ready to sit down and have the conversation with them, "Pompeo said.

His comments reinforced the question of whether the president's remarks were an actual statement of US policy or simply an attempt to throw a smokescreen.

The closure of the government arrested?

With regard to Republicans on Capitol Hill, the idea of ​​a government closure was out of the table before the mid-session following the meetings between the President and the GOP leaders. The suggestion was made for the first time in a tweet threatening a closure to force lawmakers to fund the wall of the border that was central to his 2016 election message.
  Republicans are not interested in a closure Republicans are not interested in a closure, no matter what Trump tweets

"If we do not get border security after many years I would like to "

The Threat Could Be An Attempted President To Boost Mid-Term Participation Rate.

Yet as with his statement on Iran and the last twists of his defense In the case of Russia, it is reasonable to wonder how the threat of Monday is real and sustainable.In fact, closing Washington before the mid-session could rebound against the Republicans and stifle attention on the two main arguments of the party in favor of conservative voters – economic growth and the expected confirmation of a second justice of the Supreme Court

. not to name a specific date for a closure, leaving open the possibility that he could sign a continuing resolution to fund the government in the medium term, and then seek a showdown in the lame duck session after the election .

The Endgame


If the Trump and Giuliani positions deployed on Monday are real changes or are only test balls will play in the next few weeks and months.

For now, the fog that they established on Monday helped the administration to pbad a day and another news cycle.

But finally, the voters will decide midway and Mueller will conclude his probe.

What if these decisions against Trump will be much more difficult for the President and his team to leave.

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