British Labor Party investigates 250 complaints of anti-Semitism


British Labor Party to Investigate More Than 250 Antisemitic Abuse Complaints in the Midst of an Emerging Quarrel Between the British Jewish Community and Labor's Controversial Leader Jeremy Corbyn, Reported by the Association Jewish telegraphic . 19659002] "We have now processed all 252 names and identified those who are members of the party," wrote Sophie Goodyear, Labor Labor Complaints Officer, Jewish Labor Movement, The Independent Journal, Sunday,

. Individuals are now being treated through the next stage of our procedure for complaints of anti-Semitism, "adds Goodyear.

According to an unnamed union source cited by the tabloid The Sun the incidents n & rsquo; Were not related

The Jewish labor movement, a party affiliated with the Labor Party, forwarded the complaints to the party this week.According to JTA, numerous verbal incidents were reported on the platforms of Social Media and MP Margaret Hodge.

Hodge, a veteran Jewish MP, was involved in an episode earlier this month, confronting Corbyn about the party's decision to adopt a new definition. softened by anti-Semitism, Lady Hodge would have described the leader as "an anti-Semitic racist bad" and said, "You have proven that you do not want people like me in the party."


She was warned by the party that she would be disciplined, along with MP Ian Austin who criticized Corbyn in a radio interview . and defend all kinds of extremists and in some cases, frankly, anti-Semites. "

One of the social messages attacking Hodge accused him of taking financial support from the state of Israel and another called him a" Zionist bitch " Other comments make comparisons between Israel and the Nazis.

Criticisms have been voiced in recent weeks after the National Executive Committee (NEC) approved a new anti-Semitic conduct that fails to meet the standards of the major Jewish organs and national institutions., and o It adds some clauses as the comparison of "contemporary Israeli politics" to Nazi politics.

According to the newspaper Times quoting Labor source John McDonnell, one of Corbyn's closest political allies, is leading a rebellion – chiefs of management of the issue of anti-semitism that engulfs the party.

McDonnell also reportedly called for an end to the process. s disciplinary against Hodge.

In a recording released Monday by the Jewish Chronicle, Peter Willsman heard a member of the NEC say that he will not be "listened to" by Jewish supporters of US President Trump "who inform without any evidence". Party anti-Semitism.

Since Corbyn took over the leadership of the party in 2015, a series of controversies over his seemingly one-sided pro-Palestinian rhetoric and repeated failure to eradicate nascent anti-Semitism within his party .

Although he launched a government investigation "The Chakrabarti Inquiry" aimed at investigating growing anti-Semitism within the party in April 2016, many scolded him as a mere "bleaching". leading to little or no visible change.

The leader was also criticized for his inadequate disciplinary action for party members accused of engaging with anti-Semitic rhetoric. Former Londoner Ken Livingstone, suspended from the party in 2016 for claiming that Adolf Hitler was supporting Zionism "before he goes crazy," is ready to return to the party.

It was revealed a few months ago that in 2012, Corbyn offered his support to a street artist who painted a mural depicting a group of bankers playing Monopoly on the backs of the poor, reputed have largely anti-Semitic connotations.

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