Allied Corbyn accuses "Trump Jewish fanatics" of telling stories about anti-Semitism to the British Labor Party – Europe


A close ally of Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said allegations of anti-Semitism in the party had been concocted by "Trump's Jewish fanatics," the Jewish Chronicle reported Monday.

Peter Willsman made these comments at a July 17 meeting of the party's governing body, during which he approved the Labor Party's controversial new anti-Semitic definition. These accept the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Alliance for the Remembrance of the Holocaust, but not all of the accompanying guidelines regarding Israel.

Willsman – who is secretary of the campaign for workers democracy, a group that supported former London Mayor Ken Livingstone when he claimed that Zionists collaborated with Hitler in the 1930s – can clearly be heard in an audio file published online: falsifying social media very easily and some of these people in the Jewish community support Trump, they are Trump fanatics, and everything else, so I will not be educated by fanatics of Trump who inform without any evidence.

"I think we should ask the 70 rabbis:" Where is your evidence of severe and widespread anti-Semitism in this party? ", He added.

Willsman was referring to the 68 British rabbis of all streams of Judaism who, earlier this month, called on the party to accept the full definition of anti-Semitism as established by the United States. ; IHRA.

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Their letter said in part: "Labor leaders have chosen to ignore those who understand Antisemitism, the Jewish community." In claiming to know what is good for our community, Labor Party leaders have chosen to act in the most insulting and arrogant way. "

In audio, Willsman's increasingly agitated is then heard addressing the audience: "Let me ask you a question: How many people in this room have seen the # Antisemitism in the Labor Party?

When two hands are raised, Willsman answers, "You had anti-Semitism in the Labor Party, I'm amazed, I certainly never saw it." We hear a Scottish accent asking for to Willsman to sit down.

The JC reported that two people present at the meeting formulated formal complaints about the comments, but that Willsman was informed last week that he will not be the subject of any comments. investigation after writing an apology for his remarks.

Meeting with Pete Willsman ( @PeterWillsman ). A very experienced Labor member, has been a member of the 4 National Labor Committees since 1981!
fully supports Jeremy Corbyn's vision for the Party and for the country and would continue to be an energetic and enthusiastic voice on the NEC. # VoteJC9 !

– James. # JC9 (@ James4Labour) July 25, 2018

The Times also reported Tuesday that Corbyn's right hand man, Chancellor of the Moon John McDonnell, met with the leader and criticized his approach to resolve the crisis of anti-Semitism has engulfed the work during the past year.

McDonnell reportedly told Corbyn to drop the disciplinary proceedings against MP Margaret Margaret Hodge, MP, after she confronted the head of Parliament with the definition of anti-Semitism and the idea of ​​"anti-Semitism". would have called "f *** ing". racist and anti-Semitic. "

After accusing Corbyn of being anti-Semitic, Hodge herself was subjected to antisemitic attacks on social networks. The Daily Express reported on Monday that the Labor Party is currently investigating 250 cases of anti-Semitic comments mailed to the MP for East London, including some party members. Hodge lost family members in the Holocaust.

A member of a Facebook group supporting the Labor Party reportedly called for Hodge to be "deported to his homeland Israel", while another called him "a Zionist restorative cancer" and accused him of taking money from Israel.

Another Labor MP is also the subject of an investigation for criticizing the party's adoption of the definition of anti-Semitism. Ian Austin, whose adoptive father is Jewish and escaped from childhood in Czechoslovakia in 1939.

Writing in The Guardian on Monday, Austin wrote: "I am shocked and ashamed that a party that has had such a proud tradition of fighting racism caused a huge offense [sic] and distress to the Jewish community.

"Under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, some – a minority – go far beyond legitimate and pbadionate opinions about the fate of Palestinians and turn into anti-Semitism."

He adds, "The way in which management has weakened IHRA's examples will make anti-Semitism much more difficult: first, for example, Labor members can now describe the role of the anti-Semitism. Establishment of Israel – not just the actions of the government, the decisions of its parliament or the behavior of its military, but the very existence of Israel – as a racist effort [19459047 Secondly, a member could call the Nazi Zionists and simply be warned instead of facing appropriate sanctions – find evidence of racist intent, which will be very difficult to establish. "

Austin is likely to be suspended from the party after opposing Labor Party President Ian Lavery. Austin denies screaming abuses to Lavery, saying it was rather a heated debate about how the party was dealing with anti-Semitism.

Last week, in an extremely rare movement, the three leading British-Jewish newspapers joined forces to publish a joint editorial in which they warned of "the existential threat to Jewish life" in Britain. Government headed by Corbyn. "

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