A Druze officer suspended after a letter to the Prime Minister on the law of nationality


Capt. Amir Jmall, who wrote a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decrying the law on nationality,
was suspended by the IDF for 14 days.

Jmall's commanders told him that he was expected as an IDF officer not to post his letter to the prime minister on social media. "There is no room for any kind of political speech in the IDF," commanders told the officer, according to an IDF statement.

  Captain Amir Jmall

Captain Amir Jmall

In his letter, which he erased from Facebook shortly after its posting, the officer wrote: "Mr. Mr. Prime Minister, I sat down alone and after many thoughts that came to mind, I decided to express my opinion on the nationality law that you and the members of the Knesset have implemented.

"This morning, when I woke up to go to the base, I wondered why, why should I serve the state of Israel, the state that me and my two brothers and my dad served with dedication, with a sense of mission and with the love of our homeland while in the end what we get? to be citizens second clbad? To continue serving the country? ", he asked.

"I do not want to continue and I am sure that hundreds of other people will stop serving and ask to be released from the Israeli army because of your decision, Netanyahu-yours and your government" , continued the officer.

IDF Chief of Staff General Gadi Eisenkot urged soldiers and commanders not to cause the political conflict caused by the Nationality Law in the army.

"As an army with a state whose goal is to protect the safety of the inhabitants of Israel and victory in the war, we are committed to safeguarding human dignity, regardless of the state of the country. ethnicity, religion or gender, "said Eisenkot. "That's how it always has been and that's how it always will be."

  Gadi Eisenkot, Chief of IDF Chief of Staff (Photo: Shaul Golan)

Gadi Eisenkot : Shaul Golan)

The head of the IDF met on Tuesday with the religious leader of the Druze community of Israel, Sheikh Mowafak Tariff, to discuss the crisis.

After the meeting, Mr. Tarif specified that he "strongly agrees with Eisenkot and asks that all controversial political issues, including the law on nationality, be excluded from the IDF. . "

members: "Trust us, we have your back.We have no quarrel with IDF, you are all loyal soldiers and officers and hope that you will let yourself, you and the FDI, apart from public controversies. "

The leaders of the campaign against the nationality law also called "all IDF Druze soldiers to leave controversial political affairs outside the IDF boundaries." IDF service is a supreme value and we will continue to protect the security of the state and its inhabitants. "

Fifty activists protested against the nationality law in front of the Haifa municipality on Tuesday afternoon. The nationality law has sparked controversy since its adoption in the Knesset earlier this month, mainly because of an article stating that only Jews have the right to have themselves in the country.

This article was the subject of harsh criticism and shocked the Druze community, many of whom loyally serve the country in the IDF ranks, with dozens of them demanding that the wording be changed.

The municipality of Arab city Baqa al-Gharbiyye filed a petition with the High Court of Justice on Tuesday demanding the cancellation of the law

"The law enshrines within its bosom, as a state, Jewish supremacy to the detriment of the Arab population, under the same government, creating a divided society based on racism, segregation and the exclusion of some sectors for the benefit of others, "said Mayor Morsi Abu Mukh

[19659034] Municipality of Baqa al-Gharbiyye “/>

Municipality of Baqa al-Gharbiyye

"Since the founding of the state, we have fought and fought, using all legal methods, to achieve equal rights, we have made insufficient progress.

"The law shocked Arab society A fundamental question stems from the law: Is the state of Israel preparing to draft a constitution in this racist and separatist manner?", Se he asks.

The Meretz party also filed a petition against the law in the High Court, claiming that it was illegal and that it contravened the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty.

Meretz President MK Tamar Zandberg accuses Prime Minister of "shamelessly deciding to clbadify Israeli citizens as: Type A Jews, Type B Druzes, Arabs and Type C LGBTs" – with racism approved by the Knesset and anchored in the Basic Law. "

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