4 years later, the Rafahs Black Friday affair remains open


Four years after a Hamas ambush left Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and two other soldiers dead, the Military Advocate General has not yet decided to open a criminal investigation into the events of what has been dubbed the "Black Friday Rafah".
or close the case.

On August 1, 2014,
Hamas took advantage of a ceasefire with Israel during Operation Protective Edge to ambush an IDF force, killing Goldin as well as commander Benaya Sarel of the Givati ​​Reconnaissance Company And Sgt. Liel Gidoni.

The Hamas force was able to catch Goldin's body and train with them in a tunnel. His body remains in the hands of Hamas until today.

Exclusive recordings of Black Friday (צילום: צובר צה"ל, יואב זיתון, וצלמי ynet, הדמיית תלת-מימד: גל גרוסמן, עריכר: נגה מימראן)

During the aggressive pursuit of Givati ​​the soldiers of the kidnappers of Goldin some 30 non-combatant Palestinians were killed and hundreds wounded by IDF fire, with Palestinians claiming that the number of Palestinians was killed or seriously injured in IDF ground and air raids. 39; incident.

The main reason the case remains open is the fact that the IDF is struggling to collect testimony from Palestinians or international elements who have witnessed what happened this year. day.

  IDF bombings in Rafah on August 1, 2014 (Photo: EPA)

IDF bombings in Rafah on August 1, 2014 (Photo: EPA)

For the same reason, the IDF is struggling to fully reconstruct the various operational events of that day, which began at 9am and lasted until the end of the afternoon, when the forces gathered enough discoveries in the Hamas tunnel to allow IDF burial site is unknown.

In addition, forces from different units participated in today's events – from the Sayeret Matkal elite unit to the special engineering forces, the Givati ​​Brigade battalions, the armored corps and to the artillery corps and to aviation. Force-making the investigation all the more complex.

The investigation team of the General Staff who investigated the events of the Black Friday Rafah completed its work and made its findings to the Chief of the Army, Sharon Afek, but he ordered them to consider whether to launch an investigation of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID). Such an investigation should include cautious interrogations of IDF officers who led the fighting that day and possibly indictments.

  Goldin (in red) with Sarel and Gidoni (Photo: Yoav Zitun)

Goldin (in red) with Sarel and Gidoni (Photo: Yoav Zitun)

reviewed about 500 complaints received during more than a month and a half of fighting in the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014, investigating some 300 complaints.
In total, about thirty IDC investigations were launched, but almost all of them were closed without any charges being filed. or that no disciplinary action has been taken.

A case that was closed without any action being taken was an alleged shooting not sanctioned by IDF soldiers in a Palestinian clinic.

Captain Dima Levitas, commander of the 7th Armored Brigade, was killed by a Palestinian sniper on July 22, along with Captain Natan Cohen. Dima's comrades, who were unable to attend his funeral because of continued fighting in the Gaza Strip, decided, as a tribute, to fire tank shells at the clinic. Palestinian where sniper fire was coming from. His comrades of arms said that the dam was a salute in memory of their friend.

In fact, the only criminal incident during the protection that led to the imprisonment concerned the Golani soldiers who looted a Palestinian house
in the district Saja & iyya of Gaza City.

  Destruction in Rafah after Black Friday (Photo: Reuters)

Destruction in Rafah after Black Friday (Photo: Reuters)

IDF officials explained that significant progress had been made in investigating the events of Black Friday in Rafah, and that the case's examination by the Lawyer military general was at an advanced stage. The delay, they said, was due to the desire to conduct a thorough review, while adhering to the values ​​of the Israeli army, Israeli law and international law.

The IDF spokesman gave the following answer: "During the Operation Protective Edge and after, several claims and reports were made regarding the violation of the laws of combat or other unusual behavior of the IDF forces.In many cases, the investigation concluded that there was no need to open an investigation, the IDC investigations were opened on more than 30 incidents, almost all completed, and decisions have already been made regarding their Very few incidents, including complex combat incidents, are still under review, they are subject to the most stringent standards and are in an advanced stage.

"The IDF devotes a lot of resources to investigating and reviewing the claims and reports that have been made.Of course, the examination and investigation of some of the incidents that occurred during long and intense fights, in an area not controlled by the IDF and involving residents of the Gaza Strip – which is under the control of Hamas – are complex and time consuming 19659040] (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d .getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ en_US / sdk.js # xfbml = 1 & version = v2.4 & appId = 646875168792966 "; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document," script ", facebook-jssdk & # 39; ;)); [ad_2]
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