The construction of the mosaic museum leads to the discovery of another ancient mosaic


This "new" mosaic will be another piece of the new museum.

In Israel, before a construction operation can begin, the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) is conducting an investigation to ensure that no part of the project is underway. Ancient history is lost before being discovered. This practice is bearing fruit in a significant way after the discovery of an ancient Roman mosaic during such an investigation. Curiously, it was found on the future site of a new mosaic museum.

The museum is being built in the city of Lod, about 10 miles from Tel Aviv. From 1996 to 2009, archaeologists worked to discover the Lod mosaic, one of the largest and best preserved mosaics in the country. The images represent terrestrial animals, fish and two Roman ships.

While the team searches the area that will become the visitor center of the museum, on a site that was once a villa owned by a wealthy Roman merchant, they unearthed another piece of the 1700-year-old mosaic tile .

In 2015, another mosaic of a bird was found in the vicinity of the villa. This mosaic will also be on display at the opening of the new Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Center in 2019.


Jewish Voice – Facebook – Fair Use [19659009] The CBN reports that the IAA archaeologist, Dr. Amir Gorzalczany, director of this phase of the excavations, commented that the mosaic provides additional evidence of the luxurious lifestyles of the Romans: [19659009] "The excavations of the site revealed a large luxury mosaic paved reception hall villa (triclinium) and an internal courtyard with columns, also with mosaics, and a water system," he said. "We found evidence of the Mediterranean luxury that characterized the Roman Empire, including attributes such as mural frescoes."

He added that he hoped that further excavations would illuminate Other aspects of the villa, such as size, number of rooms es, and there was a second floor.

Mayor of Lod, Adv. Yair Revivo said, "It is fascinating to learn that many centuries ago, the centrality and potential of the surroundings of Lod were appreciated by the ancient residents. The creation of the center presenting aspects of the rich history of Lod will constitute an impressive gateway to the city. "

  Mosaic Animals" data-lazy-src = " Com / aleteia / image / recover / c_fill, g_auto / https: //aleteiaen.files.wordpress. com / 2018/07 / web-mosaic-animals-ancient-israel-archaeologymagazine-facebook-fairuse.jpg% 3Fw% 3D1200? quality = 100 & strip = all & ssl = 1

Archeology – Facebook – Fair Use
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