WATCH: The lies of Shirley Temper


This really surprises me when some advocates of Israel complain that people like me are paying too much attention to "Shirley Temper" & "# 39; Ahed Tamimi, pretending that it keeps her in the limelight. This is a fallacious argument, especially since media around the world have been everywhere in the story of his release, while accepting and spreading all his false claims. At least by posting about it, I am (hopefully) helping us find the truth to claim the story.

Such an example is this interview lie by AJ + of Al Jizz, who the time of this post has already more than a quarter of a million views on Facebook (after only 12 hours).

I thought I would tackle the most egregious:

Let's see the truth there. Stay silent and pack your head in the sand not the right approach!

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