Pastor’s Column: When God chooses you | Ministers


“And Saul sought him every day, but God did not give him into his hand.”

To say that King David had a very interesting and eventful life, would be, well, an understatement. He was chosen at an early age to be God’s anointed king, much to the surprise and shock of his older brothers. He faced the giant Goliath and won a great victory for Israel in the Valley of Elah. He was King Saul’s top musician and one of his most successful soldiers.

But Saul would grow jealous of David. He was jealous of his success. He was jealous of the acclaim that was showered upon David. King’s aren’t equipped for taking a back seat, and Saul, growing more and more irrational, wanted to kill David. Because of this, a significant portion of David’s life is spent on the run from Saul. His running led him to the wilderness, where he would hide away. The Bible tells us that Saul was never successful in putting an end to David’s life? It wasn’t because he didn’t know anything about tracking down wanted men. Saul was actually a very capable military leader. But the important thing to remember is that David’s life was held in God’s hands. God had chosen David, and when God chooses you, nothing, and I repeat nothing, can change that. God had great plans for David and they would not be thwarted because Saul was jealous.

For those of us who have put our faith in Christ, we can claim the same thing for us that was true of David. We have also been chosen by God. Like David, we are also his anointed. And like David, we can trust that God has great plans for us as well. Because this is so, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that can interfere with, or separate us from, God’s plans. Not the sudden arrival of a sickness. Not jealous people. Not the circumstances of this crazy life. Not even past bad decisions. When God chooses us, his purpose and plans for our life always win out, even in the face of those things that seek to harm us.

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