Erdogan: The assassination of Saudi journalist Khashoggi is planned several days in advance – Turkey


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Tuesday that Saudi officials had planned the badbadination of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi a few days before his death.

Prior to Erdogan's announcement in the Turkish parliament, skepticism intensified over Saudi Arabia's account that Khashoggi died accidentally at his consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

Earlier Tuesday, Erdogan had said that he would "go into the details" about a case that shocked the world and caused a Saudi squad to suspect preparing for the murder of Khashoggi after he entered the consulate on October 2, before trying to hide it.

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Senior Turkish officials said Turkey would clarify exactly what happened to Khashoggi and that a flood of leaks on national and international media has increased pressure on Saudi Arabia, which is organizing a conference this week. on the investment that many dignitaries have decided to disregard the scandal. After initially denying any knowledge of Khashoggi's fate, the kingdom gave a new story on Saturday, saying that he had died as a result of a "fight with fists".

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Saudi Arabia has reported that 18 Saudis have been arrested and several senior intelligence officials have been fired, but critics have claimed that the purpose of the punishment was to release Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the alleged heir to kingdom, of all responsibility.

Erdogan promised that the case "will be revealed naked" in a speech delivered Tuesday to members of the ruling party.

At the same time, the Turkish Foreign Minister said that his country would cooperate with international bodies if they conducted an independent investigation into the killing of Khashoggi.

In an interview with the Anadolu agency, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said that Turkey had not provided any evidence regarding his death to the consulate of Saudi Arabia, but added that he could be "an exchange of views between the intelligence services".

US President Donald Trump said Monday that he was not satisfied with the explanations he had heard about Khashoggi's murder and was awaiting information from US personnel returning from the region.

"We are going to get to the bottom of it, we have people in Saudi Arabia, we have intelligence officials in Turkey, they are coming back tonight or tomorrow," Trump told the press before leaving the White House. for a political rally in Texas.

A high-level economic forum in Saudi Arabia kicked off Tuesday in Riyadh, the kingdom's first major event on the world stage since Khashoggi's badbadination. The Future Investment Initiative Forum, Prince Mohammed's original idea, aims to attract more foreign investment into the kingdom and create desperately needed jobs for the young population.

Prince Mohammed was not on the forum when he started.

On Monday, a leaked surveillance video showed a man leaving the diplomatic post a few hours after Khashoggi disappeared in the consulate, apparently wearing the chronicler's clothing as part of a macabre deception that was confusing his fate.

The new video broadcast by CNN, as well as the pro-government Turkish newspaper that a member of Prince Mohammed's entourage reportedly made four calls from the consulate to the king's office at the same time, put increased pressure on the kingdom. At the same time, Turkish investigators invaded a garage Monday night in Istanbul, where a Saudi consular vehicle had been parked.

The Saudi Foreign Minister also said on Tuesday that the investigation into Khashoggi's badbadination would reveal the truth about what had happened and that his country was determined to make sure "that the investigation be thorough and complete, that the truth be revealed and that those responsible be held accountable. "

Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir in Indonesia also promised that mechanisms would be put in place so that "something like this can never happen again".

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