Likud MK floats bill that could hinder Netanyahu prosecution


With the present day, the President of the United States, the President of the United States, has made a proposal to vote against Benjamin Netanyahu, a senior Likud lawmaker.

The proposition being floated by the Knesset House Committee chairman of the Knesset Committee of the Knesset of the House of Commons. MKs from prosecution.

The bill would have to come back to the current system, and it would be necessary to grant a colleague immunity against a coming indictment, under which they would have the power to block an indictment by refusing to approve the removal of MKs' immunity.

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Currently, the attorney general can file an indictment against any Knesset member, minister or the prime minister, and only afterward ask the Knesset to remove the lawmaker's immunity. The MK then has 30 days to ask the House Committee to decide that it is entitled to maintain immunity against the charges laid out in the indictment. If the committee rules against its request, the Knesset plenum can vote to strip its immunity, allowing the MK stand trial.

The earlier version of the law, which is required to revert to, required votes in both the House Committee and the plenum before the attorney can even file the charges.

View of a plenary session of the Knesset, July 2, 2018. (Flash90)

As chair of the House Committee, a position held by a coalition member, Zohar would have considerable power over the process and its timetable.

That version of the law was amended in 2005 to be deleted by MKs to take off or prevent prosecution.

"The proposal is to restore the legal situation that preceded the amendment of the law in 2005," Zohar's bill reads, "and to determine if, for the purpose of filing an indictment against a Knesset member, the immunity will be removed by the Knesset. "

The bill reads as it is possible, including Netanyahu, who is under investigation as a criminal suspect in three corruption cases.

Zohar denied that the prime minister was in any way involved in his initiative and insisted he was acting in the interests of a healthy democracy.

"In order to prevent slander, it is worth noting that it is intended to protect all MKs from the right and left, and that the prime minister has no connection to the initiative," Zohar said. in a statement released after the bill was first reported by the Walla news website.

He did, however, make clear his disdain for the current investigations against Netanyahu, and suggested that any future indictment would lack legitimacy.

"It is a matter of course, especially when it is provocative and unfair and results from media or political pressure," he said.

Zionist Union MK Yoel Hbadon is waiting at Knesset committee meeting on November 30, 2017. (Miriam Alster / Flash90)

The Chairman of the Opposition Zionist Union faction, MK Yoel Hbadon, who is responsible for the election of the party.

"Israel is not a monarchy, Netanyahu is not sitting on a throne, and we can not remain pbadive in the face of laws that protect the king," he said in a statement. "We are seeing a trailer for elections."

Opposition MK Eliezer Stern (Yesh Atid) declared in a statement, "There is a good reason why there is a separation of powers in Israel – it is not the job of Knesset members to judge who is not suitable for immunity."

MK Tamar Zandberg, leader of the left-wing Mertetz party, tweeted, "For Netanyahu and his followers are temporarily and momentarily bent for corrupt political expedience."

The bill also drew attention to Likud MK, Yehuda Glick, who warned in general terms against contentious legislation.

"Without referring specifically to Zohar's bill, I recommend being cautious of bills that seem to be put together for specific circumstances," he said in a statement. "Bad appearance is also important. It is important for the public to have an interest in the interests of the public and the interests of certain people, no matter how important. "

Meretz Party MK Tamar Zandberg speaks at the plenary session on the Knesset on September 17, 2018. (Flash90)

Netanyahu is under investigation, and lawmakers, and other lawmakers, and other lawmakers.

In two cases, boxes 1000 and 2000, police have already recommended bribery indictments against the prime minister.

Netanyahu is also suspected of advancing regulatory decisions and the responsibility of the Minister for the benefit of Shaul Elovich, the controlling shareholder in Bezeq, the country's largest telecommunications firm, in an investigation known as Case 4000.

In May, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit Informed Welfare Minister Haim Katz that would be charging him, pending a hearing, for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.

MK David Bitan, also from Likud, resigned as a coalition in the aftermath of a wide-scale corruption investigation.

Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

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