Two weeks to the clock: updates on ALL major New Jersey battlefields (with Patrick Murray of Monmouth University)


The race in the Senate

The ugliest collision in the recent state of memory involves two candidates who club each other with ads and negative messages. At a press conference at Ironbound earlier in the day, Republican challenger Bob Hugin said he was conducting a thorough campaign. It was a day after the release of a Fox News video titled "Swamp".

Menendez the Democratic President threatened by the Democratic Party, accusing the Senate Ethics Party of attempting to scramble Hugin, qualifying his rival as a great pharma-pony and Trump's acolyte, educated in clubs restoration.

While Hugin has invested $ 26.2 million ($ 11.1 million by Menendez), Democrats' allies have confidence in the combination of one million more registered Democratic voters than New Jersey Republicans and the United States. Trump's general horror will propel their candidate along the finish line.

With regard to Menendez's potential for influencing members of the ruling Congress party in battlefield districts, Democrats have confidence in Trump's global narrative to preserve the atmosphere of the blue wave.

"There is a brake everywhere," said Patrick Murray, pollster at Monmouth University, about the president, pointing out that the ballots contained in CD-11 and CD-7 read: "You have a large number of moderate women and Republicans "motivated to vote. opposition to Trump.


Murray notes that Trump votes better in the ocean (half of the 3rd district) than in most of the 7th or 11th district.

Tom MacArthur (R-3), representing the United States

But the other half of the district – Burlington County – is why MacArthur is struggling to end Democratic challenger Andy Kim.

"In this part of the district, MacArthur is far behind; he's still strong in Ocean County, "said the pollster.

InsiderNJ met Frank Luna, MacArthur Campaign Advisor.

Luna said that T-Mac is in GOTV mode headlong for the duration.

Regarding Kim, campaign spokesman Forrest Rilling proposed the following:

"Tom MacArthur is doing what his special interest donors want, and it's the families of New Jersey who are paying the price. MacArthur raised more than $ 400,000 in campaign contributions from prescription drug companies and the insurance industry, and drafted legislation to remove life protections from people with pre-existing conditions such as asthma , cancer and diabetes and to allow insurance companies to charge people aged 5 to 5 times more for health care – which AARP has called a tax on. ;age. He was the only member of the New Jersey Congress – Republican or Democrat – to vote for the new tax law that hits New Jersey harder than any other state. The law eliminates national and local tax deductions and gives 83% of tax breaks to large corporations and the richest 1% – the same people who fund Tom MacArthur's campaign. "

Lance Malinowski


The US representative in office, Leonard Lance, is trying to fend off Democratic challenger Tom Malinowski, former deputy secretary of state.

Murray said Trump was looking as low in Somerset as in parts of Hudson.

This seriously complicates the chances of the incumbent and Murray sees Malinowski win.

Republicans – including Somerset County GOP President Al Gaburo – have tried to thwart the argument that their county does not like Menendez.

But Murray notes that this dynamic will produce a combination of results.

"Some people who are fiercely anti-Trump will shut up and vote for Menendez," said the pollster. "There is a significant number of voters who will miss the Senate race."

How can he make a prediction like this?

"The differences we see in the Senate and in internal races," he said, citing the rise in voters' pbadion for district contests.

In last week's debate, Lance attributed a "B" to Trump, but if Hunterdon likes him, Murray is convinced that Somerset, which was once the home of the late US representative Millicent Fenwick, does not want party headed by his favorite son less on vacation.


The conservative Jay Webber (R-26), a stubborn conservative who scorns everything flamboyant, nevertheless hailed the support of President Donald J. Trump, who raised the funds for the Republican candidate who appeared behind the retired representative, Rodney Frelinghuysen (R). -11). Webber and Trump are actually not so far apart from one another on the issues.

When InsiderNJ asked Trump questions about the GOP candidate, he cited a hyperkinetic Twitter thread as the worst of the president's transgressions. While his Democratic rival Mikie Sherrill oversees a core of anti-Trump galvanized supporters, consistent with the #me2 movement, his campaign has taken the trouble to define itself as a pragmatic problem solver. Webber has always tried to call it "liberal Nancy Pelosi", but Sherrill did not choose Pelosi as a speaker and kept a professional record as a Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor.

Webber wants voters in the long-standing Republican district to remember his opponent as a party member who stood up to a corrupt senator, US Senator Bob Menendez. But if Trump is this Gateway Tunnel pitting a nativist who helped drive Frelinghuysen out of his post and alienated CD11 women and moderate Republicans, Webber's late closure with the White House plays against Sherrill's political strengths, very well financially secure.

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