Patent filing reveals collapsible Samsung tablet


The idea of ​​a Samsung foldable tablet has been around since 2014. However, it never materialized. However, with the new trend of smartphones, tablets and foldable laptops, the idea of ​​a Samsung foldable tablet takes on its full meaning. This is especially true now that a patent filing has been discovered. Samsung filed it at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in April and the patent was released Oct. 11.

The picture above illustrates the operation of such a device. It would have a foldable and collapsible display, and the tablet itself can be folded back and forth, in and out. We could unfold it to reduce the screen and the user interface would adapt to offer the best possible user experience. Then you can retreat to protect the screen when you transport it. The report says that both edges of the screen will include a metal cover. All components would also be included in the cover.

We now know that patenting does not always materialize in a commercially available product. However, in many cases we end up seeing that, or a similar device, comes onto the market. Would you be interested in a Samsung foldable tablet that looks and works like this?

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