Eisenkot: Someday the IDF will be under control – Israel News


Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot

Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot.
                 (photo credit: MOSHE MILNER / GPO)


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Someday the IDF will unite its cyberoffense, cyberdefense and cyber collection abilities under one command as the US has done, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot said on Wednesday.

Eisenkot was speaking from the Academic Center for Law and Science in Hod Hasharon's cyber conference being held jointly with the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), marking the publication of a major book on cyber regulation by INSS fellow Col. (res.) Gabi Siboni. Eisenkot appeared to imply some regret that he was unable to make the change.

Even before Eisenkot became chief of staff, there was a major role in the identification of the key functions and the "uniters" seemed to have the advantage.

However, following an extensive process of consultation and negotiation, Eisenkot has decided to allow the newer cyberoffice and collection units within the framework of the traditional cyber defense and defense systems.

His speech on Wednesday indicated that he should be one of those people who believe in the US, but that this is not the case, either because of the conceptual or the disagreements between the disparate cyber units.

Earlier, Israel National Cyber ​​Chief Chief Yigal Unna said that it will be a global cyber disaster.

This means that "the chaotic race for data will continue at a crazy pace," he said.


Unna asked: "What can we do to confuse cyberhackers? We need to keep changing fast in an adversarial artificial intelligence cyber arms race, adding that "a main critical infrastructure we need to defend is public confidence."

Giving examples of disastrous fake news, including when hackers injected a fake story on the Associated Press news that then-president Obama was hurt by a bomb in the White House, he said that the phenomenon needed to be fought on a range of levels.

In addition, he said that he would continue to invest in Israel's cyber-ecosystem – including education, science and development – as long as Israel can keep up with the cyber arms race.

High Court Vice President Hanan Melcer said that it has changed the basic set of rights of its citizens.

The following are some of the reasons for this: company refuses and a full litigation process would take too long.

He also said that he should be aware of the fact that he should be aware of the fact that he should not be able

Education Minister Naftali Bennett told the conference that Israel must tailor its cyberdefense efforts wisely to the level of risk involved.

Giving Israel's profiling at airport security as an example, he said such an approach would ensure that normal businesses continue to function while providing security.

A number of speakers debated the suggestions in Siboni 's book on incentivizing private companies to increase cyberdefense with tax incentives.

Some believed that negative incentives connected to the consequences of the defenses of the future.

All of the speakers said that Siboni's book has been discussed.

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