Israel 'Cares' for the Palestinian Refugees 'Better' than UNRWA


Jerusalem mayor accused of following Trump while hizzoner sets clean-up

Following the footsteps of the trump administration, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat recently began a campaign to end the operations of the United Nations Relief Works Agency, the United Nations providing services and funding for Palestinian refugees in his city.

The starting point for Barak's campaign, closing UNRWA's offices and ending its activities in the Shuafat refugee camp located in the eastern part of the city, was a prelude to the complete shutdown of Israel.

On October 23, Barkat visited Shuafat and ordered them for the first time. Only the beginning, the municipality affirmed in a news release, all of the services of the services of the United Nations. exercised. "

Last year, despite strong opposition from lawmakers and other American officials, the U.S. Department of State has more than $ 200 million from UNRWA-badisted programs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

This article was originally submitted for comment by the United States. in line with the national interests of the country and US taxpayers. "

"The mayor interpreted Trump's decision of boycotting UNRWA as Shuafat refugees are no longer refugees," Kahder al-Debes, a Public Relations Coordinator for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) popular committee at the Shuafat refugee camp, told The Media Line. The United Nations does not care about the services of the United Nations, but is currently taking advantage of the United Nations to evacuate its members. right-of-return, and "Judaize" Jerusalem while silencing any further discussion about Palestinian issues.

"They just do not want any party to help the Palestinian refugees," al-Debes continued. "They do not care about the services we have, the humanitarian situation at the camp or how we live." He clarified that the municipality does not serve any the fact that Arab citizens in Israel pay taxes like the Israeli citizens.

"They only enter our areas to demolish," Shuafat, "al-Debes explained. He said that Barak "broke" into the UNRWA and other popular committees that provide services to Palestinian refugees, and their services.

"UNRWA is a live witness of the Israeli occupation's crimes and violations against the Palestinians." Al-Debes concludes that "[the Israelis] do not want [the Palestinians] here, they want to end UNRWA's existence forever. "

Sami Moashaa, the UNRWA spokesman, confirmed to the Palestinian news agency that Wafa that the Jerusalem municipality did not coordinate with UNRWA before entering the camp.

"The entry of the cleaning crews and contractors by municipal inspectors and police was not coordinated with us," he said. In response, however, Moashaa promised that "all of the UNRWA operations in Jerusalem-including the Shuafat camp-will continue uninterrupted."

"UNRWA provides key services to an estimated 19,000 Palestinian refugees living in the Shuafat refugee camp and its adjacent suburbs, bringing the total number of Palestinians living there to 75,000," he stated.

Mohammed Shalaldeh, a law instructor at al-Quds University, told The Media Line that Jerusalem's municipality is violating international law and legitimacy by threatening UNRWA, and is fully responsible for the legal consequences of putting restrictions on the agency's work in the city.

"[UNRWA] is a body of the U.N. and the legal-framework of its work in Israel is based on the agreement that Israel has with the U.N. itself, "said Shalaldeh, stressing that based on international law, East Jerusalem is considered occupied territory. Therefore, he concluded, what controls the relationship between the occupied and occupied people are international laws.

"Jerusalem's mayor can not just rule the Palestinian refugees with Israeli laws," Shalaldeh baderted.

Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian chief negotiator and secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Executive Council, told The Media Line that the Jerusalem municipality is without jurisdiction over Jerusalem, and therefore, thereafter, all of its procedures are "unlawful, void and violate the international law. "

He added that Israel's efforts "to force new realities" on the ground of a solution or commitment, that "the mayor of Jerusalem is establishing an apartheid system in the city."

When asked how to eliminate UNRWA would affect any future peace talks, Erekat declared that the Israeli government and its decisions have "destroyed" the peace process.

UNRWA, which serves as a Palestinian Authority. The Arab-Israeli War is a budget deficit of $ 270 million, and the international community makes every effort to meet the budget shortfall.

Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, providing education and social services.

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