New DNA evidence could exonerate a man convicted of murdering an Israeli schoolgirl – Israel News


New forensic badyzes revealed evidence that could exonerate Roman Zadorov, jailed for the 2006 murder of a 13-year-old Israeli girl, Tair Rada, announced Thursday the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv.

The hair corresponds to the DNA of a man known as AH, who had previously claimed that his girlfriend, AK, had then murdered Rada, or at the DNA of a no one related to him.

Three hairs were found on Rada's clothes that had been sent to the United States for testing in 2007. They did not fit Rada's or Zadorov's DNA. Zadorov's lawyer asked more than two years ago that this hair is compared to A.K.'s DNA.

In September 2010, Roman Zadorov was convicted of murdering Rada at his school in Golan Heights. He was doing construction work at the school at the time. He was arrested a few days later, confessed and restored the murder, and quickly retracted his confession the next day.

>> The brutal murder that continues to haunt Israel

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The Attorney General first stated that DNA could correspond to AH or to other people, but the forensic institute insists that it can not match than to AH or members of his family.

After discussing the issue over the past two years, an agreement was recently reached to conduct new tests and compare the hair to other people. The forensic institute recently performed the test, with funding from Zadorov, and the hair was compatible with AH DNA.

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A.H. told the police that A.K. murdered Rada while wearing his clothes.

Officials from the Attorney General's office were summoned Thursday to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for updates on the new tests. Earlier, the director of the institute, Dr. Hen Kugel, had also informed the parties in the case of the findings.

According to Dr. Kugel, the new tests compared the hairs found on Rada's body to various genetic profiles. "The tests have been conducted several times to ensure their validity and new findings have been revealed.We leave the interpretation to the courts," Kugel said.

A.K., who is currently abroad, testified before the police in 2012 and 2017, but was not questioned cautiously and denied having murdered Rada. She told the police that she had the impression that there was in her body a wolf named Tahav and that this wolf wanted to kill.

Even though the case went as far as the Supreme Court, which confirmed Zadorov's murder conviction, Zadorov claims he is innocent.

Kugel, Israel's chief pathologist, recently claimed that the prosecution hid its professional opinion in court during the controversial 2006 murder trial.

The forensic experts at Abu Kabir testified that there was a contradiction between the state's weapon of crime, Zadarov, a cutter, and the type of cut found on Rada's body. Zadarov had confessed to using a cutter and then retracted it.

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