» Khalida Jarrar’s Administrative Detention Renewed– IMEMC News


Palestinian parliament member Khalida Jarrar, has been in prison since July 2 of 2017, and her sentence has been extended by four additional months, a Maan reporter posted a copy of the renewal order.

Jarrar was initially detained in 2015, spent 14 months in Israeli prison, and spent a year free.

Jarrar is a leading member of the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and a democratically elected members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).

The parliament member was detained in July 2017, and shortly after was placed under administrative detention, without charges or trial.

Her detention has been renewed in December 2017, June 2018, and again on Thursday.

Her continued imprisonment is part of Israel’s illegal policies against dozens of elected Palestinian leaders and official, including government ministers, legislators and members of Local Councils.

The process of administrative detention represents the most severe action that an occupying state can utilize against a protected populace under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

According to Article 78 of said convention such a process can only be utilized “for imperative reasons of security” for as short a period as possible. In the light of the Judge’s decision, it is difficult to legally rationalize such a high threshold for imprisonment with the occupation’s continued internment of Khalida.

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