Rocket barrage launched to border communities in Gaza


A barrage of 10 to 12 rockets was fired Friday from Gaza on Israel, the Iron Dome system intercepting several, according to the Israeli army.

Five consecutive sirens sounded at 22:23, followed by two others at 22:21, three alerts sounded at 22:38 and eight other Code Red sirens ringing at 23:22 across the southern city of Sderot, Kibbutz Gevim and Kibbutz Nir. I am, Kibbutz Mefalsim, Kibbutz or HaNer, Kibbutz Erez, Moshav Yakhini and the village of Ibim.

Photo File (Photo: Reuters)

Photo file (Photo: Reuters)

A 14 year old boy and a 50 year old man were very slightly injured while they were trying to find shelter during the outbreak of the Red Sirens Code.

They were evacuated for medical treatment at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.

a woman suffering from anxiety was treated in Sderot.

Video: Rockets have been launched on the border communities of Gaza (ילום: טים קניטר, רועי עידן)

The IDF said the incident was under investigation.

Earlier, four Palestinians in their 20s were shot dead
Friday, during Hamas-led weekly riots on the Gaza border, attended by 16,000 Palestinians, throwing Molotov badtails, hand grenades and stones at the security forces and burning tires.

Helicopters and Israeli Air Force (IAF) combat aircraft attacked three Hamas posts in northern Gaza.

The IDF has identified two breaches at the border. The infiltrators returned to the strip soon after.

Wednesday, a red code alert sounded
at 23:17 on the regional councils of Eshkol and Merhavim, followed by explosive sounds.

At least one rocket exploded in an open area east of the Eshkol Regional Council. No casualties were reported and, according to the IDF, an Iron Dome interceptor missile attempted to lower the rocket but failed.

Israeli air force planes attacked
on Wednesday night at eight Hamas sites in Gaza in response to a rocket fired from the gang.

The Israeli army spokesman's unit issued an official statement following the strikes, stating that one of the targeted areas was a military complex, a training camp and a weapons storage facility belonging to the Israeli army. to the terrorist group.

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