KKL-JNF World President Urges Jewish Leaders to Develop Protective Plan for Jewish Diaspora | The Jewish Press – JewishPress.com | Hana Levi Julian | 20 Heshvan 5779 – October 28, 2018


Photo credit: Facebook page Naftali Bennett

Naftali Bennett, Minister of Diaspora and Education

After the terrible anti-Semitic mbadacre of this weekend in Pittsburgh, KKL-FNN World President Daniel Atar sent an official letter to the Israeli Minister of Education and Diaspora, Naftali Bennett, to the President of the Zionist World Organization, Avraham Duvdevani, and Jewish Agency President Isaac Herzog. , with a "call to action" to come together and create a strategic plan to help protect the Jewish diaspora.

Here is the text of the letter.

In light of the horrific anti-Semitic terrorist attack that took place in Pittsburgh, during which Jews were killed just because they were Jews – though they are part of the larger democracy of the world, who is also Israel's greatest ally – I believe that it is necessary to unite We are all responsible for maintaining ties with the Jews of the diaspora. This is to build a strategic plan that will strengthen the protection of Jews in the diaspora.

I believe that the collaboration of the powers of the organs we lead, through the thoughtful use of the resources at our disposal, can help eliminate new anti-Semitic terrorist attacks. Building such a plan of action will not only mean establishing an operational strategy to ensure the physical protection of Jewish communities around the world, but also send a firm message that all the people of Israel will protect and stand alongside every man and woman Jews wherever he is. she may be!

In view of that, I would be grateful if you could hold such a meeting as soon as possible in the offices of Minister Bennett to move the matter forward as quickly as possible.

Daniel Atar
World President of KKL-JNF

The minister of the diaspora left Israel immediately after the end of the Sabbath for a flight to Pittsburgh. He said he would strive to conduct a needs badessment to determine the best way for Israel to help the community in the coming days following the attack.

Bennett said that he would meet the local community and participate in the funeral of those who were killed in the attack. In the meantime, the minister has asked the director general of the Diaspora Ministry to prepare to help the Jewish community in Pittsburgh, including setting up emergency and resilience teams that had already left Israel to provide badistance. psychological and community rehabilitation.

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