PA condemns Israeli plan to build 20,000 new homes in Ma'aleh Adumim


(October 29, 2018 / Israel Hayom) Ma'aleh Adumim, near Jerusalem.

In a statement following a meeting of the PLO Executive Committee in Ramallah on Sunday, the Palestinians said that "the decision to build additional housing units beyond the Green Line completely prevents the realization of a two-state solution and frustrates efforts to move a genuine peace process forward. "

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The statement contends that "the expansion of the settlement in and around east[ern] Jerusalem through the construction of settlement blocks that cut off the connection between Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories "is meant to complete the" Judaization of Jerusalem within the framework of the plan for a greater Jerusalem. "

The comprehensive agreement, signed by the Construction and Housing Ministry and the Ma'aleh Adumin Municipality, paves the way for construction to begin with an additional 20,000 units in the future approval.

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