'Shame on them!' Levin trounces the media claim that trump stokes anti-semitism


LevinTV host Mark Levin opened up his radio show on Monday evening by the media's attacks on Trump in the wake of the tragic weekend shootings in Pittsburgh.

"I am so sick and tired of the media in this country – even more than the politicians. The groupthink, the progressive agenda … absolutely out of control. Absolutely disgusting, "Levin said.

"The media are politicizing this mbad murder of American Jews by this subhuman badroach in Pittsburgh. Shame on them! Shame on them! Just when you think the media has reached a low point, they're going down, "he added. He also commended the "brave men in blue – police officers – who ran into that synagogue."

Levin explained that it is absurd to claim that Trump is stoking anti-Semitism, pointing to the pro-Jewish and pro-Israel records of the president and his cabinet. He also noted the previous administration's extreme hostility to Israel and took the political and operationalist legacy of their co-operation with virulent anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan.


WATCH: @PressSec overcome with emotion in response to #TreeOfLifeSynagogue shooting

"The president cherishes the American Jewish community for everything. He adores Jewish Americans as part of his own family. "pic.twitter.com/DjvNOQ7TEe

– CRTV (@CRTV) October 29, 2018

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Author: Jordan Schachtel

Jordan Schachtel is the national security correspondent for the Conservative Review and Editor of The Dossier for CRTV. Follow him on Twitter @JordanSchachtel.

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