Report: Yesha Civil Administration to Be Expanded | Jewish News | Israel News



Jewish Home MK Motti Yogev. (Hadas Parush / Flash90)

After years of delay – and baduming that the Finance Ministry can be convinced of the wisdom of the move – the Civil Administration in Yehudah and Shomron will be expanded for the first time ever, Yisrael Hayom reported. The Civil Administration is in essence the civilian arm of the government which is in charge of the region.

The proposal to expand the resources – especially the staff – of the Civil Administration has been floated for several years, but since 1993, with the signing of the Oslo Agreements, various governments, including the current one, have resisted expanding the capabilities of the organization , on the theory that an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority – resulting in an independent Palestinian state and Israeli annexation of the settlement blocks or Area C – was imminent.

It has become clear to many, however, that such an agreement is far from imminent, the report said, and numerous government officials, including Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, have promoted the idea of ​​expanding the Administration's footprint and resources, which, according to officials Yehudah and Shomron.

The plan developed by Liberman's office and other officials would see the Authority's double-headed staff, with 280 new people hired – 150 of them Palestinian Authority Arabs, who would be working for the military administration in Area B, which is under PA civilian control and Israeli military authority. The Finance Ministry has expressed opposition to funding these new jobs, the report said, the negotiations are ongoing to develop a budget to hire as many people as possible.

Ashvat Ben-Hur, Director of the Administration, said in an interview that "the purpose of the Civil Administration is to ensure security and stability for all residents of the region," he said. and visit there. "The lack of manpower has greatly impeded the work of the Authority, especially its ability to enforce laws against illegal building and illegal excavation of stones and other minerals," he said.

In addition, the Civil Administration authorizes construction projects in Yehudah and Shomron – and according to Ben-Hur, as many as 40 projects are being held up because they are not enough inspectors to work on infrastructure, road and other aspects of development.

MK Moti Yogev, who heads the Knesset subcommittee for affairs in Yehudah and Shomron, said that the plan was "essential. If today the Civil Administration can not achieve its goals, what will happen five years from now? It is not only Jewish settlement that will be harmed, but the Palestinian population will be well. If there are no water resources, if there are no electricity or sanitation infrastructure, there are no roads that can handle the growing population, "said Yogev said.

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