Messianic Jewish Community Leaders Express Shock at the Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre


PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS) and the Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA), are shocked and appalled by the mbadacre which occurred at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh this past Shabbat morning.

This heinous and despicable act was one of the worst episodes of domestic terror in the history of the United States.

Our love and most sincere condolences go out to the surviving family members of the victims, as well as our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the wounded and for the Jewish community of Squirrel Hill, which is most deeply impacted by this intolerable, cowardly act of hatred.

As Jews, we are no strangers to hate, nor to acts of terror. In Israel, it is a way of life which our people have learned to endure and overcome. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu remarked in an open letter to the Jewish community in Pittsburgh: “Over the centuries, Jews have been subjected to every kind of savage attack imaginable — from blood libels and mbadacres to pogroms and genocide — for nothing more than the ‘crime’ of being Jewish.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked U.S. President Trump “for unequivocally condemning this heinous crime and for pledging to fight those who seek to destroy the Jewish people,” and praised the “clear condemnations” from American leaders across the political spectrum that have poured in since Saturday’s mbadacre. We could not agree more with PM Netanyahu.

He further stated: “While these attacks are nothing new in the history of our people, what is new is our ability to fight back against the anti-Semites,” he said. “Israel does that every day.”

For those of our community who live in the United States, we are grateful to have lived peaceably in a nation that values religious freedom and despises bigotry and hatred of Jews. Concerning our Jewish people, God clearly and prophetically promises Abraham in the book of Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 

Since the giving of that promise, it is plain to see that God has kept His promise for it is irrefutable that no people have contributed more to the good of mankind than the Jewish people. Hence, anti-Semitism is an attack on humanity and upon civilization itself. It should not be tolerated, not at any level.

The Jewish people are a diverse and pluralistic people, with a wide range of political and religious views. However, despite existing differences, we are ONE people who stand together in tragedy. When an incident such as this in Pittsburgh happens, it touches us all.

Moreover, we invite the hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide, who are friends of Israel, and who are shocked and appalled by this inhumane act, to stand together in unity with us in condemning anti-Semitism.

We remember and mourn the murdered victims of Tree of Life Synagogue:

  • Joyce Feinberg, 75
  • Rich Gotfried, 65
  • Rose Malinger, 97
  • Dr. Jerry Rabinowitz, 66
  • Cecil Rosenthal, 59
  • David Rosenthal, 54
  • Bernice Simon, 84
  • Sylvan Simon, 86
  • Daniel Stein, 71
  • Melvin Wax, 88
  • Irving Younger, 69

May God’s supernatural peace be upon all of the families of the victims of this tragedy and may the Creator, the God of Israel, bless all who stand with our people against anti-Semitism and hatred.


Joel Chernoff
MJAA General Secretary

Messianic Jewish Alliance of America Officers and Executive Committee
President, Rabbi Larry Feldman
Vice-President, Dr. Charles Kluge
Secretary, R. Michael Wolf
Treasurer, R. Ken Alpren
R. David Chernoff
R. Jeffrey Forman
R. David Levine
R. Michael Stepakoff
R. Paul Liberman
R. David Schneier
Ravi Goldberg
Melissa Brown
Jeffrey Lowenthal Esq.

International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues Steering Committee
Chairman, Rabbi David Chernoff
R. Michael Stepakoff
R. Joel Liberman
R. Jeffrey Adler
R. Charles Kluge
R. Michael Weygant
R. Frank Lowinger
R. Eric Lakatos
R. Eric Carlson
R. David Rosenberg

Alliance for Israel Advocacy Board of Directors
Executive Director, Paul Liberman
Board Chairman, Joel Chernoff
Board Member, Ari Sorko-Ram
Board Member, John Desser
Board Member, Terry Allen

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