» Israeli Settlers Dump Sewage into Qalqilia-district Schoolyard– IMEMC News


Israeli settlers from the illegal Sha’are Tikva settlement, on Thursday, dumped their sewage onto school property in the northern West Bank village of Azzun Atma, southeast of Qalqilia, said Alaa Marabeh, principal of Azzun Beit Amin Secondary School.

He said, according to WAFA, that the sewage flooded the school courtyard and playground, resulting in a repulsive smell inside the school, stressing that this is the second time in two months settlers dump their sewage on the village school.

He said it usually takes over 10 days for sewage water to dry, causing health hazards for students and the community at large.

Jewish-Israeli settler harbadment of Palestinian villages is a regular occurrence and faces hardly any rebuke from Israeli authorities.

(Al Ray archive image)


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