CINDY ROOY: Christian citizens in America | Rogersville


Do you call yourself a Christian? Christians do more than just believe in God’s existence, they live by His standards. They value God’s words and try their best to do as He commanded — love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). They exist on earth with purpose, and to be “salt” and “light” to other people (Matthew 5). Christians are to make a difference and not be idle or complacent. According to James 3:14-17, faith in God without action is dead. Is your faith currently active or dead?

Concerning mid-term elections, Christian citizens make a difference by registering to vote, becoming well-informed on the candidate’s history and alliances, and electing those who have a platform and voting record that respects God’s commands. Within America’s democracy, Christian citizens vote because it’s their civic duty and is a deed that accompanies their faith. Voting is the minimal action required to elect leaders who will ensure the freedom of religion and speech — the basis for all our other freedoms.

The Bible reveals the Lord’s qualifications for leading a nation. Acknowledging that no one is perfect and all people have character flaws, worthy candidates are honest, love justice, and reject bribes. Moses was given advice to “select capable men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain” as officials over God’s people (Exodus 18:21). God selected Joshua to lead because he was filled with the spirit of wisdom. He was known for His deep trust in God’s power and promises, and for his willingness to obey the Lord. David was chosen as king because he had a heart after God.

America has many politicians and citizens who’d like nothing better than to turn our country into an atheistic and socialistic nation. Certain leaders have promoted false accusations while others have encouraged the mob mentality — to harbad and be vicious against those with different opinions. Paid protestors and radical followers happily oblige. These dangerous, hateful people threaten, harm, and try to instill fear, which is the opposite of loving one’s neighbor. Discernment is needed to identify those who want to eliminate the voice and obedience of the Christian, and to recognize spiritual opposition.

Satan has been busy destroying our nation with immorality, corrupt education, secularism, and by creating divisions. Misled groups like AntiFa reflect anarchy. If Christians are not part of the solution, then they become part of the problem. When good men do nothing, evil triumphs. Active faith speaks out, gets involved, and protects the right to live with lawful order providing safety, justice, and religious freedom.

After making informed decisions and voting, Christian citizens pray. They pray that God will thwart all the fraudulent votes and help everyone accept the election results. They pray for the elected leaders to submit their hearts to God and abide by His principles, to make wise decisions, and to have integrity in every situation (1 Timothy 2:1-4). Believers pray for God’s mercy and protection over the U.S.A. because God blesses the nations that fear and obey Him, and destroys the nations that do not serve Him (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).

Furthermore, Christians believe that God is faithful and works all things out for their ultimate good. Despite the opposition and disappointment they encounter, they continue to stand firm in their faith because they have personally experienced God’s love and power. They know this broken world is temporary, but the next one is forever. Christians serve the Lord on earth, but view heaven as their real home (Philippians 3:20). They gave their hearts to Jesus and home is where the heart is.

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