Will Jewish Home endorse Ofer Berkovitch?


Reports say that Jerusalem’s Jewish Home branch is negotiating with mayoral candidate Ofer Berkovitch to arrange a deal in which the Religious Zionist faction will endorse the candidate many see as left-wing.

According to the potential agreement, the Jewish Home Party will receive the position of deputy mayor. In addition, they demanded that the Jewish Home be involved and hold a position of influence in all matters relating to East Jerusalem would probably receive the East Jerusalem portfolio if Berkovitch is elected.

A source in the Jewish Home involved in the talks told Israel Hayom that “Bennett is returning from the US tonight and we are apparently preparing for a signature that will take place on Sunday. We will take a decisive position on the entire issue of East Jerusalem. We see this as the realization of sovereignty. “

According to the source, “Leon invested NIS 7 million in the campaign and brought 5,000 votes, while the rest of the haredim brought him in. Religious Zionism is 22% of the Jewish population in the capital, about 40,000 votes.

The source added that the rivalry between Bennett and Lieberman has an effect: “It’s no secret that Lieberman is a red flag”.

Moshe Leon has been heavily supported by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, who has openly feuded with Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett.

Moshe Leon will face off with Ofer Berkovitch in two weeks after neither one mustered the 40% support in Tuesday’s elections that is required to win outright.

When asked by reporters ahead of his flight to Bulgaria on Thursday, Netanyahu refused to divulge his preference, only saying that “there is already a decision”.

“I will support someone who will an excellent prime minister, or rather an excellent mayor of Jerusalem,” said Netanyahu. “It is a very important, complex city, I know there are bigger challenges than these. I will make sure to support those who get things done.”

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