Brandeis Center launches initiative to train law students in the fight against anti-Semitism


(November 2, 2018 / JNS) Following the shooting on October 27 at the Tree of Life * or The Simcha Synagogue in Pittsburgh, a new initiative was launched Friday for law students to fight anti-Semitism.

The Louis D. Brandeis Center for the Defense of Human Rights, alongside the Hasbara Scholarships, created the JIGSAW initiative, "an unprecedented pilot program aimed at training law students in the struggle and to the prevention of anti-Semitism, "according to a statement from LDB.

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JIGSAW stands for Justice Initiative guiding student activists around the world.

As part of this program, Brandeis Center's lawyers will form a group of law students specializing in the use of legal tools and expertise to combat clbadic / white anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli. Law students will focus on fighting anti-Semitic incidents on campus by enforcing university policies and federal and federal laws, "said LDB.

"While the tragic and horrible events in Pittsburgh are perfectly clear, anti-Semitism is skyrocketing at a frightening speed in the United States," said Alyza Lewin, President and General Counsel of the Brandeis Center.

"We need to reverse this rising tide of anti-Semitism and ethnic racism, and nothing can replace legal action," she added. "By properly training a team of law students chosen to work with undergraduate students and to use specific legal tools and strategies, we can begin to take the offensive in this battle."

Jews are the main target of hate crimes perpetrated by religious groups in the United States, according to the FBI.

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