Facebook says that he "mistakenly" removed the rabbi's story about the harassment of Farrakhan's supporters


Facebook said Friday that it had "mistakenly" erased the story of a New York City rabbi who allegedly was harbaded a day earlier by supporters of the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan.

Rabbi Avram Mlotek, of the MNHTN base, posted on his social media site his account of an incident on a train. He had been confronted by a man who had called him a "f —— fake" Jew and "impostor".

"This man has repeatedly told me that Israel was not mine, that I was a fraudster and that the Jews are responsible for the damage we are in today." in New York and around the world, "wrote Mlotek in a viral post.

"This man has repeatedly told me that Israel was not mine, that I was a fraud and that the Jews are responsible for the damage we are in today." in New York and around the world. "

– Rabbi Avram Mlotek in New York

The man who approached the rabbi then showed a picture of Farrakhan and asked him if he knew who Farrakhan was. The rabbi said he told the man that Farrakhan was an anti-Semite.

"No, he's a real Jew. You're a f ——- wrong, "came the man's response.

Farrakhan has a long history of anti-Semitic remarks, including once praising the head of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, as "a very great man."

The most recent controversy concerns Farrakhan commenting on Twitter: "I am not anti-Semitic. I am anti-Termite. "


Mlotek said that another man on the train had joined the first man, both raising his fists with the Black Power symbol.

"He is a photo-copy," said the second man. "And some of them are gay. F — ing f —- ts. Are you going to get off this subway station, man? The first man said again.

Mlotek stated that the man had treated him of "c ——-" while he was getting off the train. He added that no one else on board the train had spoken during the incident.

After the Rabbi's message attracted attention, it was canceled by Facebook.

Mlotek wrote in a separate article that the story had been deleted because it "violated the norms of the community".

"Let's just say that something is wrong with the algorithm, Mark Zuckerberg, if Facebook can not tell the difference between hate speech and hate speech reporting."

– Rabbi Avram Mlotek in New York

"I asked that their decision be revised, but for now, the message does not appear when you search for it on my wall," he said. "Hopefully that will be fixed and it will be returned soon, but let's just say that something is wrong with the algorithm, Mark Zuckerberg, if Facebook can not tell the difference between hate speech and reporting."

A Facebook spokesman told the Jewish Journal that the rabbi's message had been deleted "by mistake" and had been restored. The message does not seem to be live.

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