Wedding, Money and Happiness – Sunday Magazine – The Guardian Nigeria Journal – Nigeria and the World


black couple hands and flowers

It was an adult gathering. As the discussion progressed, one participant said, "IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WHEN YOU DO NOT HAVE MONEY, YOU MAY STILL NOT BE HAPPY TO THE LATEST". MONEY."

But one of the smart men argued that for a man who has responsibilities and does not have enough money to pay for it, it is impossible that such a person man be happy.

As a marriage and family counselor, many eyes turned to me to hear what I had to say. I forgot to add that this statement made by the gentleman received an overwhelming ovation.

Those who knew me more intimately and who were part of the audience knew that I would swim against the tide of public opinion, which I did.

I explained that any wedding whose only and greatest source of happiness is money is not strong enough. I've clarified that, even though money is very important in marriage, couples should strive to base the happiness of their marriage on love, kindness, contentment, patience, etc., and not just about money. I'm not saying that money can not bring happiness to you.

I talked about how I started my life with a financial situation above average. My finances then failed. I told them that even though I did not want to stay in such a situation, I decided to settle for the quality and quantity of food I could afford. In addition to all that, I became very sick. And I needed to buy antibiotics according to the recommendations of a doctor. I begged a friend to lend me money, which I promised to repay after a few months.

Before the time of repayment is due, the man came to claim his money. I begged him to stay, but he refused. He said that in the absence of my non payment, he would grab one of my easily moveable properties. I offered to give him my iron, but he refused. He said that he would take my TV instead.

Oh my God! That's what kept me company. When I saw that he was serious, I unplugged the TV, I carried it in my hands, I went down the stairs to my apartment. three rooms and put him in his car. He zoomed in with my TV and I climbed into my apartment and I started singing songs of joy and praise to God. I stayed happy.

I told them that there were few times when sadness would come but I dismissed the sadness by deciding to be happy. I have said that being happy is a choice that must be determined from the heart and not just by money. A man or woman whose happiness is determined only by money is not a sufficient quality.

So, I said that couples should learn to be content with all levels of life they are. I quoted 1 Timothy 6: 6-8 "But piety with contentment is a great gain … And having food and clothing, let us be happy.

A financially depressed man must decide to be happy and pbad on this happiness to his wife and children. When the Bible says, "Rejoice always, I say rejoice," she was not just referring to money. It means that the man has the capacity to rejoice without money.

It's in such a state of contentment (and not murmuring as the Israelites did in the wilderness) that pleases God and forces him to wage your financial battles for you.

At the end of my explanation, I asked if they shared my point of view and I heard a strong "yes". What is your point of view? I like you.

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